Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

C1990-21 Payment of Expenses Associated with Attendance at Interview

Detailed Outline

The practice of payment of expenses for existing public service employees to attend interviews in other parts of the public service has been reviewed. As from 1 January, 1991, travel and subsistence costs as specified in the Public Sector Management Act (1988) Regulation Cl 36 (meal allowances) Cl 39 (subsistence) and Cl 45 (private vehicle rates for official business), will become the responsibility of the department holding interviews. This should not involve any additional costs to departments, but will require a change in procedures for reimbursing the expenses of applicants called to interview. This policy supersedes information at 1.15.1 in the Staff and Personnel Handbook.

The payment of expenses should be a matter for discussion and agreement prior to interview. The Treasury Transfer system does not cover interview costs and, therefore, it cannot be used as a means of paying expenses.

Salary and on-costs will remain the responsibility of the employing department and the hours spent in attendance at interview are "on duty". Similarly, if government cars are approved for use by either department, then no claims should be made for reimbursement in terms of Cl 45.

If further information is required, contact John Barclay, Personnel Policy Division, OPM on (02) 228 4740.

Please bring this circular to the attention of all staff in your administration.

R. G. Humphry,



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jun 13, 1990
Review Date
Jun 13, 2024
Replaced By


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