Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

C1990-25 Gazettal of Senior Executive Service Appointments

Detailed Outline

It has come to my attention that some Departments, when gazetting the appointment of SES officers, are including the actual term of appointment, viz., the number of contract years. A number of SES officers have expressed concern at this practice which they see as affecting the confidentiality of their terms of employment.

While Section 40(1) of the Public Sector Management Act requires all appointments, promotions, etc., to be published in the Government Gazette, it does not require publication of the terms of the appointment.

As you may be aware, proposed amendments to the Public Sector Management Act 1988, currently under consideration, will streamline and devolve to CEOs a number of aspects of human resource management, including the powers to appoint, retire or dismiss officers and the requirement to publish appointments in the Government Gazette.

In the mean time, all Departments should standardise the publication of senior appointments in the Government Gazette by providing the name of the appointee and position title only, when gazetting appointments.

If further information is required please contact Ricardo Ramirez on 228 5520.

R. G. Humphry,
Director General.

Issued by: OPM - SES Unit
Date: 8th November 1990



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Date Issued
Jun 13, 1990
Review Date
Jun 13, 2024
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