Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

C1996-19 Newcastle Bicentenary 1997

Detailed Outline

In 1797 Lieutenant John Shortland sighted what is now known as the Hunter River, thus laying the foundation for the development of the Hunter Region of New South Wales.

To appropriately mark this historic event and in the spirit of community participation, the Newcastle City Council established the 1997 Bicentenary Events Corporation consisting of community representatives to guide the Council in planning celebratory activities.

The 1997 Bicentenary aims to -celebrate the discovery of the Hunter River and coal, recognise the long-standing Aboriginal presence and culture, be a catalyst for cultural and recreational activities, stimulate the regional economy, reinforce the appeal of the Hunter Valley as an interesting, historic, lively and accessible tourist destination.

As you are aware, numerous Capital and other State Government sponsored projects within the Hunter Region are either in the planning stage or are underway. In some instances these projects are expected to have either reached completion, or to have been substantially commenced, during 1997 and so the Bicentenary provides a special opportunity for Government activity in the Region to be highlighted by association with the celebrations.

To ensure that all relevant Government activities in the Hunter Region are identified for association with their appropriate Bicentenary categories, it would be appreciated if you would provide the Premier's Department with a brief outline of each such activity associated with your area of administration, including information on purpose, cost and anticipated completion date. Special mention should be made of any instances of direct participation in Bicentenary Events Corporation activities.

It would be appreciated if this information could be made available by Friday, 29 November, 1996. Enquires may be directed to the Department's Projects and Management Services Division Jeff Fitzgerald, Assistant Director - phone (02) 9228-5221 - fax (02) 9228-5249)

C Gellatly



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Nov 11, 1996
Review Date
Jun 13, 2024
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Department of Premier and Cabinet