Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

C1997-19 Recording and Monitoring of Staff Attendance in Ministers' Offices

Detailed Outline

Recent Audits conduced by the Ministerial and Parliamentary Services Division (MaPS) have identifiedinadequacies in the monitoring and recording of staff attendance and leave in Ministers' Offices.

According to Volume 2 Part 2 of the Personnel Handbook and Part 3 section 13 of the Public Sector Management (General) Regulation the recording of staff attendance in Ministers' Offices is the responsibility of each Chief of Staff with the Director-General, Premier's Department determining the manner in which this information is recorded.

Chiefs of Staff are now required to ensure that, as a minimum, the following details in relation to staff attendance and leave are recorded:

  1. Daily Attendance - specifying location if not in usual location and hours of work. For example, working from home.
  2. Formal Leave - specifying the nature of leave.

It is considered an internal matter for the Chief of Staff to determine the system used for recording leave and attendance. However, to assist Chiefs of Staff a suggested proforma has been prepared covering the minimum requirements. A copy is attached.

In determining the system most appropriate for the needs of the Office, Chiefs of Staff should consider other practical reasons for recording staff attendance and leave, namely, to provide corroborative evidence in the event of a WorkCover Claim and to ensure that all leave taken is reported to the Host Agency.

C. Gellatly
Director General

OFFICE: (Eg. Office of the Minister for .........................................)



Staff Hours of Duty On Duty On Duty On Leave
Member (Start and Finish) In Office Other Location Specify type
(Signature) (Signature/Location)

Jane Dunn 8.30 am - 4.30 pm Jane Dunn

Bill Smith 9.00 am - 5.30 pm W. Smith
Parliament House

Lucy Lambert 9.30 am - 4.00 pm Lucy Lambert

Barry Simpson 8.00 am - 6.00 pm B. Simpson
Homebush Bay

Sally Swan Recreation

Albert Ohlsson Sick



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jun 13, 2014
Review Date
Jun 13, 2024
Replaced By


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