Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

C1997-62 Flexible Working Hours Arrangements in the Public Sector

Detailed Outline

The NSW Government is committed to the development of a responsive, flexible public sector that is committed to providing excellent service to the people of New South Wales.

The Government recognises that employees play a key role in improving organisations' performance. Flexible working hours are important because of the potential benefits for organisations and employees.

Flexible working hours will assist organisations to better respond to the needs of the public and to improve client service while at the same time providing employees with greater flexibility in managing work, and other family and personal responsibilities. BY their very nature flexible working hours agreements are unique to each agency, balancing as they do the needs of the organisation's employees and its clients.

Some organisation representatives, in discussions with officers of the Public Sector Management Office, expressed the view that it would be of considerable assistance when developing flexible working arrangements if they knew what arrangements were in place throughout the public sector.

The attached Information Sheets resulted from those discussions and following consultation with each of the organisations which provided the necessary information. The Sheets give both an overview and details on the essential features of flexible working hours arrangements currently in place.

I encourage organisations to examine these Information Sheets and I am sure they will prove beneficial to organisations developing and introducing new flexible working hours arrangements.

Should you have. any inquiries concerning), this matter please contact Emanuel Sklavounos on telephone (02) 9228 3570.

Col Gellatly



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jun 13, 2014
Review Date
Jun 13, 2024
Replaced By


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Department of Premier and Cabinet
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Department of Premier and Cabinet