Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

C1997-77 Media Monitoring Services

Detailed Outline

As you may be aware, as part of the continuing review of media monitoring services, the Premier's Department is considering a proposal to let whole-of-government contracts for the supply of these services. The contracts would cover all monitoring services, except for those now provided by the Premier's Department Media Monitoring Unit, and would apply to Ministerial offices and government agencies.

The objective is to rationalise the provision of such services, making them more cost-effective while maintaining, or increasing, their quality. Any new service would be tailored to suit the particular needs of individual offices and agencies.

The Premier's Office recently wrote to Ministers requesting information from all Minister's Offices and agencies about the use and cost of media monitoring services. The Department is now following up with agencies direct in an effort to obtain up to date and accurate details on media monitoring expenditure.

Information required is:

  • service providers name and expiry dates of contract(s) if a contract(s) exists
  • the cost per month of all media monitoring activity
  • details of services supplied (eg, number of copies of clippings, provision of a summary,
  • phone alerts, audio/video tapes, type of clippings)
  • details of any other costs (eg cost of couriers, staff member photocopying extra copies, filing)

Attached is a pro forma to be completed and forwarded to Ms Roslyn Harrison, A/Manager, Media Monitoring Unit, Premier's Department by Friday, 5 December 1997 including nil returns. Any enquiries should be made to Ms Harrison
(ph 9228 3576).

C. Gellatly,
Director General

Details of Media Monitoring Services

Agency: Contact:



Name of service provider(s) (both press clipping and broadcast)

Is there a contract(s)? Yes _____ No ____ Expiry date(s):

What is the cost per month ? Press clipping

Broadcast (if cost per month varies give an average*)

Details of service supplied: daily press clippings q No. of copies ____

(tick if appropriate) hard copy service q electronic service q

provision of a summary of press clippings q

provision of a summary for broadcast items q

times daily ______ phone alerts q

how soon after story airing __________

provision of transcripts q, audio q, video tapes q

archival search facility for past stories q

Please give an outline of what clippings you receive (ie all NSW metropolitan, suburban and rural papers, BRW, the Bulletin)

Details of any other costs your agency may incur per month (approximately) (ie, cost of couriers, staff members photocopying extra copies, filing)

* If you are charged on a per tape, per transcription basis then costs may vary greatly from month to month. If this is the case and average cost over period of a year would be satisfactory.

Please fax this form back to:
Roslyn Harrison
A/Manager, Media Monitoring Unit
Premier's Department
(02) 9228 4421
by Friday, 5 December 1997

If you have already completed this information as part of a minister's survey, please return form with 'already completed'.



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Nov 25, 1997
Review Date
Jun 13, 2024
Replaced By


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