Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

C1998-103 Premier's Department Performance Management Policy and Guidelines


Performance Management Policy and Guidelines are attached following extensive consultation with government agencies and the Public Service Association.

Detailed Outline

The attached Performance Management Policy and Guidelines have been prepared following extensive consultation with government agencies and the Public Service Association. The development of this policy arose from the Framework Documents – Crown Employees 1995 (Public Sector Salaries 1995) Award.

The introduction of performance management systems is seen as an important means to improve the productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of public sector organisations.

The Policy and Guidelines explore and articulate four key areas: the principles underlying performance management; the minimum standards to apply across the sector; a framework for developing or evaluating existing systems; and resolving poor performance issues.

It is recognised that performance management systems will vary between agencies reflecting their specific needs and objectives. There is, however, a requirement in this policy for agencies to assess their existing performance management systems, ensuring consistency with the underlying principles and minimum standards. For those agencies that have not yet developed systems they should do so in accordance with the policy.

Enquiries regarding the performance management policy and guidelines should be directed to Gary McGrath, Policy Officer on (02) 9228 4381 or [email protected]. To obtain further copies of the document, please complete the form enclosed and return by facsimile to the number provided.

C. Gellatly

Issued: Public Sector Management Office
Contact: Gary McGrath
Telephone: (02) 9228 4381
EMail: [email protected]
Date: 24 December, 1998



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Dec 24, 1998
Review Date
Dec 31, 2014
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Department of Premier and Cabinet
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Department of Premier and Cabinet