Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

C1998-15 Parliamentary Secretaries

Detailed Outline

The Premier has approved a new policy for motor vehicle entitlements of Parliamentary Secretaries (attached).

Motor vehicle entitlements for Parliamentary Secretaries can fall into two categories, an official car and driver or a self drive vehicle. Both options are available to Parliamentary Secretaries, however, all Ministers and their Departments must be aware of the policy guidelines which must be followed in determining which option will be used.

An official car and driver can only be used for official business. The entitlement is available on an 'as required' basis. The car and driver will be provided only from the Premier's Department fleet on a cost recovery basis.

A self drive vehicle may only be used on official business in connection with duties of Parliamentary Secretaries. A self drive vehicle will only be available on approval from the Director General, Premier's Department. Before this is given, the host agency must satisfy the Premier's Department of the need for a self drive vehicle. This must include a cost benefit analysis, which clearly demonstrates the advantage of the use of a self drive vehicle. A stated reason why a self drive vehicle is needed and how long it will be used for should also be included.

An amendment to the Ministerial Handbook will be forwarded to you in the near future. If you have any further enquiries please contact Lucy Brotherton on 9228 3624 or email at [email protected]

C. Gellatly
Director General


Official car and driver

Parliamentary Secretaries may have the use of a car and driver only when on official business in connection with duties of Parliamentary Secretaries, ie., on an 'as required' basis to attend meetings and functions in their capacity as Parliamentary Secretary as determined by the Minister. This use must be portfolio related.

The car and driver will be provided by the Premier's Department. These will only be available from the Premier's Department fleet on a cost recovery basis.

Self drive vehicles

A self drive vehicle is an entitlement available to Parliamentary Secretaries if approval is given by the Director General, Premier's Department. A self drive vehicle may only be used on official business in connection with duties of Parliamentary Secretaries, and may not be used for any other reason.

If a self drive vehicle is required the host agency must satisfy the Premier's Department of the need for the vehicle before approval will be given. Before a decision is made on the use of a self drive vehicle a cost benefit analysis must be provided to the Premier's Department and all other available options should be investigated and compared. Cost savings to the NSW tax payer in providing the motor vehicle entitlement should be a major consideration in the decision to provide a self drive vehicle.

In seeking approval from the Director General, Premier's Department, the Minister should provide:

  • The cost benefit analysis by the host agency. It must clearly demonstrate the advantage of the use of a self drive vehicle.
  • A clearly stated reason why a self drive vehicle is needed and the length of time that it will be needed for.
  • If a self drive vehicle is used, logbooks and odometer records must be kept for the purposes of FBT calculation and as a record to verify the exclusively business use of the vehicle.
  • Each Department or Authority must nominate a contact officer in the covering submission to the Director General, Premier's Department.



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jun 13, 2014
Review Date
Jun 13, 2024
Replaced By


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