Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

C1998-67 Government Visit Program during Sydney Olympic and Paralympic Games

Detailed Outline

As you are aware, the Government recently announced the guidelines which are to apply to the involvement of New South Wales Public Sector Employees in the 2000 Olympic Volunteer Program administered by SOCOG. In addition to this Program, I would like to draw your attention to another aspect of the Olympic and Paralympic Games which must be addressed.

Both the Olympics and the Paralympics are likely to generate a considerable number of visits to Sydney by local and international dignitaries and the number of these visitors will almost certainly exceed the capacity of this Department's protocol area to provide the necessary level of service for these visitors. Accordingly, special measures will need to be introduced.

A special working group was established this year by the Olympic Co-ordination Authority to develop the arrangements that will need to be put in place to effectively manage the visitor requirements. The Group has determined that as a single program, the adoption of the practice used in October, 1991, for the 25th Anniversary Congress of the General Association of International Sports Federations would best serve the needs of the visitors.

On that occasion, the arrangements for the delegates to the Conference were facilitated by the short-term secondment of persons from various government organisations and agencies to the Premier's Department to fill the role of a protocol assistant or visit officer. They were then assigned to individual delegates for the duration of their stay in Sydney.

These arrangements worked particularly well and the persons chosen were required to have the necessary skills and maturity which would enable them to relate and respond to the demands placed on them. Fluency in a second or more languages was also a significant qualification.

The persons chosen in 1991, were selected with the agreement of their host agency and their services were made available on the basis that their agency would continue to meet their salary costs with any additional costs being the responsibility of the Premier's Department. This proved to be an equitable arrangement and I am seeking your concurrence to apply the same criteria to the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

While it is not possible to forecast the number of visitors for whom the Government will have responsibility, it is expected that there will need to be at least 100 trained assistants to cope with the demand for the Games and in the lead up thereto. Accordingly, it is proposed to commence recruitment action as early as practicable in order to ensure that those selected can receive adequate training in the duties required of them. The competencies can then be refined during the test events leading up to 2000.

Even though recruitment action is proposed to commence shortly, the actual selection of staff will not immediately impact on the operations of agencies. Staff selected will remain in place in their own organisations until such time as there is a need to call on their services and the same considerations on operational effectiveness that apply for the SOCOG Volunteer Program will also apply to this program. Release of any staff will be at the discretion of the Chief Executive.

The amount of time each appointee will be called upon to assist is not known at this stage. In the period between their appointment and the conclusion of the Paralympics, however, a total aggregate time is not expected to exceed four weeks for any individual. Most will be around two weeks on a rostered basis. These estimates include a period for the test events leading up to the Games.

The visit program will present those persons selected to participate with a unique opportunity to become involved in the Olympics and, at the same time, to further develop and enhance their skills, capabilities and knowledge. This will be of benefit to them in their career paths and to their organisations in having more skilled personnel available.

As with any new initiative, the participants will be required to undergo training in the various aspects of their roles but the final details of this have yet to be established. However, I can say that, although the training will be over an extended timeframe, it will be structured in such a way so as to minimise any disruption to the normal day to day functioning of an organisation.

The Olympic visitor program is an important aspect of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Your co-operation, subject to the continued normal operation of your organisation, in releasing staff who may wish to be seconded to the Department on the same terms and conditions as applied for the G.A.I.S.F Congress will be greatly appreciated.

As the Government is anxious to ensure that the visit program operates to the best effect for all, I would appreciate your arranging to distribute the attached notice throughout your organisation as early as practicable. This will allow for the essential recruitment element of the program to proceed without delay.

The co-ordination of this matter is the responsibility of Mr W Parsons, Director, Office of Special Assistance, in my Department and he may be contacted on telephone [02] 9228-5091 or facsimile [02] 9228-3770.

C. Gellatly


A special working group was established this year by the Olympic Co-ordination Authority and it has the responsibility for the development of the arrangements which will need to be put in place to effectively manage the requirements of local and international dignitaries and distinguished persons who are likely to visit Sydney in 2000 and in the preceding years as a direct consequence of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

In order to enable the program to operate effectively, it is intended to second suitably qualified and experienced persons from public sector organisations to the Premier's Department as protocol assistants and assign them to individual visitors for the duration of their stay in Sydney. This will occur for the Olympic Test Events as well as for the duration of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The protocol assistants will need to have a high level of oral skills; be good communicators; have a discrete and tactful manner; have a high level of initiative and be of good personal presentation. Appointees also will need to be able to effectively relate and respond to the demands of senior dignitaries and other distinguished visitors with equanimity and flexibility.

An invitation is extended to any employee who wishes to be considered for secondment to prepare an application. In addition to the basic requirements outlined above, fluency in a foreign language or languages will be an added advantage. Applicants should also be aware that the duties will involve working both within and outside of normal office hours on a rostered basis.

Successful applicants will be seconded at their existing salaries which will continue to be paid by this organisation while other costs will be met by the Premier's Department. All appointees will be required to undergo training at various times in the lead up to the Games. They will continue to perform their normal duties when not engaged as protocol assistants but will be on call on a continual basis between their appointment and the conclusion of the Olympics and Paralympics.

As is the case with the SOCOG Olympic Games Volunteer Program, the release of any persons for participation in this activity will be at the discretion of the Chief Executive and subject to the normal core business of the organisation continuing without serious impediment.

Applications should be addressed to Mr W Parsons, Director, Office of Special Assistance, Premier's Department, Level 30, Governor Macquarie Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney 2000, telephone 9228.5091, facsimile 9228.3770 and Email: [email protected] by no later than 6th October,1998

Chief Executive



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Jun 13, 2014
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Jun 13, 2024
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