Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

C1999-66 Public Service Association - 30% Award Application

Detailed Outline

The purpose of this Circular is to advise you that the Public Service Association has made application for an Award to replace the Crown Employees (Public Sector Salaries 1997) Award. You will be aware that the current Award expires on 31 December 1999. The Premier's Department, Public Sector Management Office will manage the application with your assistance.

The Award application seeks a 30% increase over a period of 36 months, in three instalments for members only.

The application is based on:

significant improvements in public sector performance, efficiency and productivity across the public sector since the commencement of the 1997 Award;

economic considerations, including the changing value of money over time as reflected in the Consumer Price Index;

the impact of the Goods and Services Tax; and

significant community movements in salaries of employees in industries in NSW and in particular, in the NSW public sector.

Your views are important in the consideration of the application, in particular on issues of significance for your organisation and details should be provided to this office as soon as possible.

Any enquiries may be directed to Wendy Barrett on telephone number (02) 9228 3568 or Doug Cowell on (02) 9228 3575.

C. Gellatly



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jun 13, 2014
Review Date
Jun 13, 2024
Replaced By


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Department of Premier and Cabinet
Issuing Entity
Department of Premier and Cabinet