Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

C2002-26 Agency email Addresses


The Premier's Department maintains a listing of email addresses for agencies to enable us to email Ministerial Memoranda, Premier's Department Circulars and other important items.

Detailed Outline

The Premier's Department maintains a listing of email addresses for agencies to enable us to email Ministerial Memoranda, Premier's Department Circulars and other important items.

About 128 agencies are now contained within the list which matches those listed in the Directory of CEOs of Major NSW Government Agencies for ease of administration.

As the list has grown to incorporate all agencies categorized as State-Owned Corporations, Public Trading Enterprises and Smaller Agencies Forum, ensuring that we have fixed agency email addresses has become essential. Many email addresses cause our emails to 'bounce' when officers leave an agency or for other reasons.

One way which some agencies have overcome the problem is to create a permanent email address for receiving this class of communication and which could be easily transferable between staff. This approach only works if that address is regularly accessed by relevant agency staff.

A suggested email address could be memocirc@[agency name] or similar. Or an existing fixed email address could be used. This way we would be able to manage our email database a lot more efficiently. Therefore, if officers are on leave or exit your agency, email from us would still be received and acted upon on your end.

An alternative solution is to have Memoranda and Circulars etc addressed to the agencies' public enquiries email address.

Could you ensure that once an email containing a Memorandum or Circular is received by the person responsible for them, that the email is forwarded immediately to appropriate staff (and where appropriate, to all staff) throughout your agency.

Please advise Craig White once you have either created or nominated a fixed email address to enable this information to be included in our database.

C. Gellatly




Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jun 5, 2002
Review Date
Dec 31, 2014
Replaced By


Contact us
02 9228 5555
Publishing Entity
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Issuing Entity
Department of Premier and Cabinet