Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

C2005-44 2005/06 Strategic Management Framework and Calendar

Detailed Outline

The Strategic Management Framework and the Strategic Management Calendar, which forms part of the Framework, have been updated for 2005/06. As part of the update process, a minor review of the Framework/Calendar has been undertaken to ensure they meet agency needs and reflect current Government strategic directions.

The Framework is designed to assist NSW Government agencies navigate their way through the range of key planning, budgeting and reporting requirements. The Framework includes the broad strategic imperatives and legislation that affect all agencies within the NSW public sector, as well as requirements which need to be considered when agencies undertake their corporate, strategic and implementation planning. Relevant tools and guides are included, where appropriate.

As a result of the review, the Framework now provides greater clarity in relation to planning timeframes and planning terminology, including for the first time a glossary. In addition, the Framework now reflects the significant priority the NSW Government has placed on multi-agency/cluster collaboration.

The Calendar provides a succinct guide to key planning, budgeting and reporting requirements over the financial year, on a month by month basis. In light of the review, the Calendar now includes the majority of the main agency reporting requirements throughout the year.

The 2005/06 Framework and Calendar is attached and can also be accessed from the homepage of the Premier's Department website  (and also under "Work & Business" then "Working for Government").

To ensure the Framework and Calendar are accurate and up to date, agencies are asked to inform Premier's Department of changes or additional links to the relevant websites. Changes or updates should be sent to: [email protected]. In addition, agencies are encouraged to provide feedback to this email address on the usability and other features of the updated website.

For information about the 2005/06 Strategic Management Framework and Strategic Management Calendar, please contact Jennifer Perry on (02) 9228 3582.

C Gellatly


Superseded by C2006-37



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Aug 11, 2005
Review Date
Jun 13, 2024
Replaced By


Contact us
02 9228 5555
Publishing Entity
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Issuing Entity
Department of Premier and Cabinet