Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

C2006-48 Managing gifts and benefits in the public sector


This circular is to advise agencies that ICAC has recently released a toolkit on managing gifts and benefits in the public sector. 

Detailed Outline

This circular is to advise agencies that ICAC has recently released a toolkit on managing gifts and benefits in the public sector. 

The toolkit has been developed to assist agencies to revise, develop and implement effective and transparent gifts and benefits policy and procedures in line with best practice.

The management of gifts and benefits is important for the integrity of the service as well as for individual employees. A person who offers a gift to a public official, or an official who accepts a gift or benefit may, under some circumstances, be guilty of an offence.

The line between the proper and improper acceptance of gifts and benefits can be difficult, particularly where appropriate procedures have not been developed in an agency or employees are not trained in them.

While the current model Code of Conduct policy and guidelines refer to the acceptance of gifts or benefits, ICAC notes in the toolkit that in 2002 fewer than half of NSW public sector agencies and very few boards or committees reported having a gifts register. 

These guidelines will help agencies manage gifts and benefits. The toolkit is a practical resource, containing a model register, instructions, electronic declaration form and power point training slides.

Copies are available from ICAC on 02 8281 5999 or at

C Gellatly

Issued : Workforce Policy and Advice (Public Employment Office)
Contact: Paul Ingwersen, Senior Manager
EMail: [email protected]
Telephone no: 9228 3593 Facsimile: 9228 4056
File no: PSM05510

This circular is replaced by: Public Service Commissioner Direction 1 of 2014: Managing Gifts and Benefits: Minimum Standards



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Nov 17, 2006
Review Date
Dec 31, 2014
Replaced By


Contact us
02 9228 5555
Publishing Entity
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Issuing Entity
Department of Premier and Cabinet