The procedures for reporting security incidents should be noted and adopted. A key component of reporting all threats is the completion of an Incident Report. There are no changes to the previous advice on the purpose and use of the Incident Report. These are repeated below for your information.
Detailed Outline
The procedures for reporting security incidents should be noted and adopted. A key component of reporting all threats is the completion of an Incident Report. There are no changes to the previous advice on the purpose and use of the Incident Report. These are repeated below for your information.
However, it should be noted that the reporting procedures have changed from the previous advice provided in Circular 2004 - 21 with all reporting of direct threats against people or places to be now made through the emergency service number of 000. The Incident Report should be made available to all agency personnel and in particular those persons that deal with public inquiry lines or similar. The Incident Report should clearly state the action to be followed in the event of a threatening or offensive telephone call being received. A sample Incident Report is attached for your information.
Verbal Information
Many telephone systems serving agencies may have a call trace facility, it is important that agencies are aware of the procedures to be followed if a call warrants being traced by the New South Wales Police or the telecommunications provider. These procedures should be made known to your personnel and form part of the Incident Reporting procedure. If call trace is not available the handset should not be hung up. Where there is a direct threat of terrorism or violence against a person or place it is imperative that the New South Wales Police be contacted immediately by calling 000. If the verbal communication is non specific or does not pose any immediate threat to a person or place the local Police station should be called. The number for the local Police station should be made known to your personnel. If the threat involves an explosive device, it is important that any standing procedures in place for dealing with such threats are closely followed in respect of evacuations or other appropriate action. Agencies are encouraged to review and practise these procedures.
In each of the above circumstances and where they exist, any other appropriate emergency personnel engaged by the agency or serving the accommodation in which the agency is located should also be advised immediately. In all cases, where a CEO judges it necessary to inform his or her Minister, such information is to include the advice that the matter has been reported to the NSW Police who are assessing the veracity of the information with a view to determining what operational response, if any, will be taken. The importance of recording information on the Incident Report form cannot be overstated as it may assist in the investigation of the perpetrator making the menacing call.
Written Information
In the event that written information of a threatening or offensive nature is received by either normal mail or electronically the action taken will depend on the nature of the threat. If the threat is non specific call the local Police station. If the threat is against a person or place, call 000 and if the threat contains specific politically motivated violence or terrorism call 000. If a threatening letter is received the hard copy of the advice and the envelope [if applicable] is to be immediately sealed in an envelope. In relation to emails, do not delete the item or forward it to any other recipient. Existing emergency procedures for the building should also be followed if considered necessary. Attached for your information is the Bomb Threat and Threatening or Offensive Telephone Calls Incident Report
Robyn Kruk
Director General
- Not Mandatory
AR Details
- Date Issued
- Oct 10, 2007
- Review Date
- Dec 31, 2014
- Replaces
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- 02 9228 5555
- Publishing Entity
- Department of Premier and Cabinet
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- Department of Premier and Cabinet