The Cabinet Office

The Cabinet Office Circular

C2023-04 Deposit of New South Wales Government Publications


New South Wales Government agencies are required to deposit print and digital publications with the State Library of New South Wales, the Parliamentary Library of New South Wales and Western Sydney University Library to ensure that Government published information will remain available now and into the future to the people of New South Wales.

Detailed Outline


New South Wales Government publications are any materials containing words, sounds or images that are made available to the public by Government agencies. They include print and/or digital versions of books, journals, reports, newsletters, posters, and maps; sound and moving image; and digital only formats such as websites and social media.

Deposit Requirements

New South Wales Government agencies are directed to deposit print and digital publications in accordance with the following requirements:

  1. Deposit digital publications to the National edeposit service – Publications are to be deposited within one month of publication and include, but are not limited to, all major Government publications such as:

  • Annual reports

  • Newsletters, magazines, journals and bulletins

  • Research reports and studies

  • Commission and inquiry reports

  • Budget papers

  • Environmental impact statements

  • Community consultation reports

  • Discussion and issue papers

  • Historical and heritage studies

  • Maps

Digital publications are to be deposited regardless of whether there is a print publication.

The Parliamentary Library may direct agencies to deposit digital publications to:
[email protected]

  1. Deposit all print publications to the deposit libraries. This includes all print publications of all formats – books, reports, posters, newsletters, magazines, journals, and maps. Publications are to be deposited within one month of publication.

Print publications are to be deposited regardless of whether there is a digital version.

Deposit print publications to the:

a.       State Library of New South Wales

Deposit one print copy if a digital version has been deposited; deposit two print copies if a print version only exists.

Deliver to:
Government Publications
Level 2
State Library of New South Wales
1 Shakespeare Place
Sydney NSW 2000

b.       Parliamentary Library of New South Wales

Deposit one print copy regardless of whether a digital version has been deposited.

Deliver to:
NSW Parliamentary Library
Department of Parliamentary Services,
NSW Parliament House
Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000

 c.       Western Sydney University

Deposit one print copy only if there is no digital version available.

Deliver to:
Western Sydney University
Locked Bag 1797
Penrith NSW 2751

  1. Deposit all publications made available to the public on other media (eg DVD, CD, USB).

Deposit publications to the:

a.       State Library of New South Wales

Deposit one copy to:
Government Publications
Level 2
State Library of New South Wales
1 Shakespeare Place
Sydney NSW 2000

b.       Parliamentary Library of New South Wales

Deposit one copy to:
NSW Parliamentary Library
Department of Parliamentary Services,
NSW Parliament House
Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000

c.       Western Sydney University

Deposit one copy only if it is accompanied with book or if there is no digital version available:
Western Sydney University
Locked Bag 1797
Penrith NSW 2751

  1. Websites and social media will be collected by the State Library of New South Wales through regular harvesting and snapshots.

For digital publications that are online, but are not freely available, the State Library of New South Wales may direct New South Wales Government agencies to make them available so that they can be collected or request that they be deposited.

Deposit libraries may request that government agencies deposit their publications using other methods. For publications that may not be covered by the above categories please contact the State Library of New South Wales at [email protected] or 9273 1490.

Related Requirements

Electronic copies of Annual Reports are required to be sent to:

  • State Library of New South Wales

  • Parliamentary Library of New South Wales

  • Western Sydney University Library

  • National Library of Australia

  • NSW State Archives Collection

To satisfy the library deposit requirements above, copies are to be deposited to the National edeposit service – To satisfy the requirement to send copies to the NSW State Archives Collection, please follow transfer procedures as outlined on

The National Library of Australia, under the national Copyright Act 1968, also requires the deposit of New South Wales Government publications. Their deposit requirements are:

  • Deposit digital publications to the National edeposit service – Publications are to be deposited within one month of publication.

  • This requirement will be satisfied by depositing digital publications as per 1. above.

  • Deposit print only publications – deposit two copies if a print version only exists, within one month of publication.

Deliver to:
Legal Deposit
National Library of Australia
Canberra ACT 2600

Under the State Records Act 1998 all agencies subject to this circular are to retain records relating to the production and review of publications according to relevant retention and disposal authorities applying to their organisation. This includes records documenting the drafting process as well as final versions. Current retention and disposal authorities may be downloaded from


New South Wales Government materials containing words, sounds or images that are not available to the public and are for internal agency use only, for example, business records or intranets, are not subject to this circular. Materials released on application under Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) provisions are also outside the scope of this circular.

William Murphy, PSM
Acting Secretary



Who needs to know and/or comply with this?

Advisory Entities (including Boards and Committees)
Councils under the Local Government Act
Executive agencies related to Departments
Separate agencies
State Owned Corporations
Statutory Authorities/Bodies
Subsidiaries of the NSW Government established under the Corporations Act



AR Details

Date Issued
Nov 2, 2023
Review Date
Nov 2, 2028
Replaced By


Contact us
02 9228 5555
Publishing Entity
The Cabinet Office
Issuing Entity
The Cabinet Office