Premier's Department

Premier's Department Circular

C2024-03 NSW Government Sector workplace presence


This Circular updates advice for Government Sector agencies regarding workplace presence. The Government Sector comprises a diversity of roles, including office workers, rangers, nurses, health workers and paramedics, teachers and school support staff, case workers, emergency response workers, transport workers, police officers, correctional officers and people who work on project delivery. The majority of Government Sector employees work on the front-line and attend their workplace as part of their duties. Government sector agencies are expected to have flexible work policies that meet reasonable requests of employees, but the default arrangement is to work principally in an approved workplace, office or related work site. Individual agencies will be responsible for designing and monitoring their policies.

Detailed Outline

Flexible working arrangements

Flexible working arrangements have been widely in place since in 2019 and have assisted the NSW Government Sector in attracting and retaining talented people, particularly people with carer responsibilities and other commitments outside of work. There are many ways to achieve flexibility in the workplace, such as part-time roles, job-share arrangements, compressed hours (for non-Public Service senior executives), purchased leave, variations to starting and finishing times and career breaks. Those arrangements are supported and are not changed by this Circular.

On some occasions, NSW Government Sector work can productively be done from home. However, that is not available to all Government Sector employees in all circumstances and the opportunity to work from home should not be taken for granted or considered unlimited. The starting position is that Government Sector employees work principally in an approved workplace in NSW. Arrangements to work from home on some occasions must take into consideration the wider needs of Departments, agencies, the community and stakeholders.

COVID-19 disrupted conventional work practices economy-wide and highlighted the important work that Government Sector agencies deliver for the community. This Circular provides guidance to Government Sector agencies about working principally in an approved workplace, office or work-site.

Workplace presence builds strong public institutions

The role of Government Sector workers goes beyond immediate and day to day duties. All Government Sector employees play a role in building and replenishing public institutions. That requires us all to have a sense of belonging to our organisations and our teams, to understand our part in broader service delivery, to build trusted networks with others outside our immediate teams and to pass on our expertise and support to colleagues, particularly those earlier in their careers who benefit from mentoring and on-the-job learning. These outcomes are supported by employees working principally at their approved workplace. The more our experience of work is shared, the more united we become. That means being physically present in our organisations.

Working principally in the workplace

Government Sector employees should work principally in an approved office, workplace or related work site. This Circular does not strictly prescribe patterns of attendance and many workplaces allow for ad hoc variations according to the needs of employees and organisations. However, the starting position is that work is principally done in an approved workplace in NSW.

Effective use of public assets

Effective use of public assets, including workplaces and offices, requires that they be utilised across the full working week. Exact patterns are a matter for each workplace and will take account of accommodation arrangements, but the goal in every workplace should be to achieve an even spread across the working week and fully utilise the available accommodation.

Agency requirements

As employers, Government Sector agencies are responsible for their agency’s flexible work policies, including to ensure they can deliver services effectively for the community. They may direct employees in relation to their working arrangements if the direction is lawful and reasonable.

While approaches may vary, it is expected that each agency will adopt a policy that provides for all staff to work principally at an approved workplace, office or related work site, and to spread attendance across all days of the working week. Where arrangements are proposed for employees to work from home or another non-work related location on a regular basis:

  • formal approvals and agreements should be required, recording the reasons and circumstances;

  • such arrangements should be reported to the relevant Chief People Officer and a central record maintained of all such arrangements;

  • any arrangements that involve conducting work from outside of NSW should be approved by head of the agency in consultation with the Secretary of the principal department related to the agency; and

  • approvals should be for a defined period and reviewed at regular intervals.

Progressive implementation of policies should take account of accommodation availability in each agency as well as effective utilisation of accommodation across the full working week.


Premier’s Department


Who needs to know and/or comply with this?

Executive agencies related to Departments



AR Details

Date Issued
Aug 5, 2024
Review Date
Aug 5, 2026
Replaced By


02 9228 5555
Publishing Entity
Premier's Department
Issuing Entity
Premier's Department