This circular provides updated advice on the NSW Government Operational Communications Strategy 2020 (the strategy), including a number of measures for agencies that will facilitate key initiatives under the strategy.
Detailed Outline
The strategy positions government to optimise operational communications technology for its frontline emergency services and agency personnel. The strategy enables seamless communication across agencies, leading to more effective and responsive service delivery through better access to critical information and improved situational awareness.
Five strategic priorities underpin the strategy:
Lead with one integrated portfolio – Remove duplication and fragmentation by coordinating public safety telecommunications assets, resources, programs and services as a single, integrated, efficient portfolio.
Evolve critical communications – Develop a resilient and secure communications capability to support mission-critical voice and data enabled services for emergency services organisations, agencies and others.
Leverage the market for implementation and innovation – Leverage industry expertise to achieve value for money and market contestability, and engage with industry partners to collaborate, innovate and solve problems.
Embed customer centricity – Build the consideration of the needs of our customers and stakeholders into our strategic decision-making processes.
Empower our people – Drive an inclusive workplace culture with a shared purpose and build our capabilities to meet and exceed customer expectations.
To eliminate unnecessary duplication and promote greater private sector participation and competition, the NSW Government is moving away from having individual agencies building, owning and operating their own networks to an arrangement where agencies have access to the right services by the right provider, with a competitive industry playing a key role in service delivery.
Role of NSW Telco Authority
The NSW Government Telecommunications Authority (NSWTA) is implementing the Critical Communications Enhancement Program (CCEP) to create a single shared trunked radio network across NSW called the Public Safety Network (PSN)[1].
The PSN provides operational communications services for all Emergency Services Organisations and other agencies and entities undertaking public safety or emergency management activities.
Operational communications is defined in the Government Telecommunications Act 2018 (Act) as:
communications to facilitate the exercise of functions by a government sector agency—
(a) in connection with preventing, preparing for, responding to or recovering from, an emergency, public safety incident or other incident posing a risk of harm to any person or property (including training activities in relation to the exercise of those functions), and
(b) in relation to the NSW Police Force—in connection with law enforcement and compliance.
NSWTA is working closely with agencies to ensure that service delivery priorities are met as it progressively oversees the rationalisation or decommissioning of operational communications assets and infrastructure, leading to managed service arrangements.
To support the implementation of the CCEP, the revision of the Act in 2018 introduced Section 16. When proclaimed following a rationalisation period, Section 16 will require all NSW Government agencies to use the Government telecommunications network (includes the PSN) for operational communications.
To support the transition, agencies are required to provide NSWTA and its industry partners with access to relevant sites and information to allow planning, design, construction and de-commissioning to be carried out.
To facilitate implementation of the network, all agencies must prioritise PSN related approvals and provide overarching consent for Government telecommunications network asset deployment on government premises. NSWTA will be working with other government agencies to develop a whole of government policy position to guide a collaborative approach to the rollout of the network and connectivity across the state. By working together, we can reduce end-to-end site delivery timeframes and bring forward investment in construction activity and help stimulate the economy as early as possible.
Agencies are also required to use the NSW Procurement Board’s Standardised Site Licence Agreement Framework (Board Direction 2015-03) when entering into new site licence arrangements with other agencies. This will simplify any changes to site ownership, leasing and management arrangements, if required as part of the rationalisation process.
Rationalisation period
As the rationalised network is established in each region, agencies are required to progressively migrate off their individual networks and use available shared Government radio services and facilities. Although the Act was proclaimed on 12 December 2018, to facilitate this period of rationalisation, Section 16 of the Act will not be proclaimed until a later date to allow time for agencies to migrate onto the PSN.
In order to meet Strategy objectives of a single integrated portfolio and shared intelligence capability, NSWTA will assess all proposals to develop new or additional operational communications infrastructure or services.
Investment process
The role of NSWTA includes approval of any proposal for radio communications to be considered by Cabinet’s Expenditure Review Committee. NSWTA’s approval is also required for:
any expenditure on new radio communications assets and commercial services, and/or
for new sites, new towers on a site or upgrades to a site
Drawing on expertise in the field, NSWTA maintains the role of assessing NSW Government agency expenditure in radio communications to ensure that agencies are purchasing the right assets to meet their needs in a way that makes sense for all NSW Government.
The below table provides a guide of what is considered radio communications for the purposes of this circular:
Radio communications | Not considered as radio | ||
HF, VHF and UHF radio networks including radio terminals, Paging Terminals, Paging infrastructure, repeaters, dispatch consoles, control systems and power infrastructure. | IoT sensors. | ||
3G (WCDMA), 4G (LTE) and 5G (NR) networks. Including any associated consoles, spectrum, vehicular or transportable equipment, SIM/eSIM/Services with any LTE carrier/MVNO used for operational communications. | Standalone Wi-Fi networks. | ||
Fixed wireless networks. | Fixed line (FTTX) networks. | ||
Transmission or backhaul services supporting the above networks including microwave, leased line, satellite, fibre and multi-protocol label switching (MPLS), satellite infrastructure, terminals and services. | SIM and commercial phone plan contracts not used for operational communications. |
If agencies are purchasing small quantities of approved terminals, either less than 10 handsets or less than 5% of the total terminals used by an agency, approval from NSWTA is not required. For larger quantities of terminals, or for any purchases for use on networks other than the PSN, please consult in advance with NSWTA to ensure full compatibility with the PSN.
For equipment and infrastructure using Government telecommunications networks such as the Public Safety Network (PSN), please contact the NSWTA if your agency is considering investment in mobile assets such as cells on wheels. NSWTA investment approval is not required for singular PSN vehicular and portable terminals. However, please seek approval for Vehicle-as-a-Node and similar solutions that will use or in any way interconnect with the PSN.
For further clarification, please contact the NSW Telco Authority via the online form at:
If NSWTA determines that any proposed infrastructure or network developments or upgrades will interfere with, not be reasonably compatible with, or otherwise adversely affect the operation of any Government telecommunications network, they will not be approved.
As with broader information technology investments, proposals will need to be consistent with the investment principles of the NSW Government ICT Investment Policy and Guidelines.
In order to ensure investments are consistent with Strategy objectives:
agencies must procure goods and services from any product catalogue established by NSWTA under Panel Contract ITS 2573 – Operational Telecommunications Services, Equipment and Infrastructure unless exempted[i]
agencies are required to comply with any technical standards, guidelines or policies issued by NSWTA for the procurement and use of operational communications infrastructure, equipment, services and spectrum unless exempted[ii]. NSWTA will consult with agencies prior to the release of any such standard, guideline or policy.
To ensure that the network is efficiently rolled out, NSWTA has Secretary approval to negotiate directly with commercial infrastructure owners for the supply of future CCEP related construction services. The NSWTA Managing Director is authorised to execute CCEP contractual documents subject to Department of Customer Service (DCS) Procurement endorsement and DCS Legal endorsement where standard prequalification scheme contracts are not used.
For any queries regarding operational communications investment and approvals, please contact the NSW Telco Authority via the online form at:
[1] Also known as the Government Radio Network (GRN)
[i] This refers to exemptions granted by Telco Authority for agencies not to use Panel Contract ITS 2573, not exemption from using the network.
[ii] This refers to exemptions granted by Telco Authority from following standard procurement processes or guidelines, not exemption from using the network
Who needs to know and/or comply with this?
- Advisory Entities (including Boards and Committees)
- Departments
- Executive agencies related to Departments
- Separate agencies
- Statutory Authorities/Bodies
- Subsidiaries of the NSW Government established under the Corporations Act
- Mandatory
AR Details
- Date Issued
- Jul 1, 2022
- Review Date
- Jul 1, 2023
- Replaces
- Replaced By
- Contact
- Phone
- Publishing Entity
- Department of Customer Service
- Issuing Entity
- Department of Customer Service