Department of Finance, Services and Innovation Circular

DFSI-2015-01 NSW Government Information Classification, Labelling and Handling Guidelines


The NSW Government Information Classification, Labelling and Handling Guidelines provide assistance for agencies to identify the confidentiality requirements of their information assets, apply suitable protective markings and handle that information appropriately. 

The NSW Government Information Classification, Labelling and Handling Guidelines provide assistance for agencies to identify the confidentiality requirements of their information assets, apply suitable protective markings and handle that information appropriately.

Detailed Outline

The NSW Government Information Classification, Labelling and Handling Guidelines (the Guidelines):

  • provide a consistent and structured approach to the classification and labelling of sensitive information to be used by all NSW agencies

  • allow for integration between the existing sensitive information labels in NSW and the information security classification markings used by the Commonwealth

  • assist agencies in identifying security classified or sensitive information, and in applying appropriate markings to this information

  • clarify where classification and labelling systems overlap encourage better practices in protective security procedures by all NSW agencies

    The Guidelines support the implementation of NSW Government Digital Information Security Policy, issued under OFS Circular C2015-05, which establishes the digital information security requirements for the NSW public sector.

    A range of tools and resources are available through the NSW Government ICT Strategy website that provide additional assistance in the classification, labelling and handling of information, including:

  • an electronic training module

  • a user-friendly, web-based app

  • a ‘memory jogger’ reference document that summarises the key points of the Guidelines


Who needs to know and/or comply with this?

Executive agencies related to Departments
Separate agencies
Statutory Authorities/Bodies




Publishing Entity
Department of Finance, Services and Innovation
Issuing Entity
Department of Finance, Services and Innovation