Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M1990-03 Lodgment of Cabinet Minutes Reporting Back on the Provisions of a Draft Bill


superseded by M2005-07

Detailed Outline

In order to allow Cabinet the opportunity to fully consider the implications of legislative proposals, the following arrangements will apply henceforth in relation to the lodgment of Cabinet Minutes reporting back on provisions of a draft Bill.

A Bill Minute will not be listed for discussion at Cabinet until at least 4 working days after the signed Minute has been received in The Cabinet Office and the draft Bill has been forwarded by the Parliamentary Counsel. It is necessary to reinforce this rule in order to give adequate time for Ministers to prepare and receive briefings on the proposal and draft legislation. This will also ensure that the legislative material is in accord with Cabinet's earlier decision.

Where circumstances make urgent consideration of the Bill necessary, Ministers should present the draft Bill together with a letter to the Premier requesting that the 'four-day rule' be waived. Requests will not be agreed to other than in the most urgent cases and where the need is clear.

Where a draft Bill varies from Cabinet's original decision, the extent of and reasons for the variation must be clearly articulated in the accompanying Cabinet Minute.

Many requests for urgent consideration result from departmental delays and inadequate planning. Ministers should ensure that Departmental officials are requested to introduce procedures that anticipate deadlines and so avoid the late lodgment of Bill Minutes.

I would be pleased if you would ensure that these new procedures are brought to the special attention of all officers within your administration who are involved in the preparation of legislation.

Yours sincerely




Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jul 17, 1990
Review Date
Jul 17, 2016
Replaced By


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