Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M1992-35 HIV/AIDS Discrimination

Detailed Outline

As you would be aware, the Anti-Discrimination Board conducted an inquiry into HIV/AIDS discrimination in this State and furnished a report to Government earlier this year.

Our colleague, the Attorney General has had responsibility for co-ordinating the Government's response to the report and his administration has consulted widely within government in developing a Government response.

For your information, I am enclosing copy of a letter I have today written to Mr Hannaford on this matter. You will note I have signified my endorsement, in general terms to the government response, but have indicated that any matters involving major policy or legislative change must be considered by Cabinet before any commitments are made towards implementation. I have also indicated that recommendations which are directed at a particular government agency and which meet with the concurrence of the Minister may be implemented provided that can be done within existing budgetary resources. Any matter which would require additional funding should be dealt with in the normal budgetary process.

Mr Hannaford has established a Ministerial Committee to monitor and report to him on progress with implementation. A copy of the press release issued by the Minister in announcing establishment of the Committee is also enclosed.

The Committee wishes to consult with Ministers and senior officials of Departments and I would be glad if you would ensure that the fullest co-operation is afforded to the Committee during this process.

Your faithfully

John Fahey



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jul 17, 1992
Review Date
Jul 17, 2002
Replaced By


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