Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M1993-33 Cabinet Decision on the Advertising of Chief and Senior Executive Positions at the End of Contracts


Superseded by C2000-24

Detailed Outline

At its meeting of 14 September 1993, Cabinet decided to require the advertising of all CES and SES positions at the end of each contract. It is important to stress that the decision to advertise all vacancies is not intended as a reflection on the performance of current officers. Rather, it is in the interest of all officers that every aspect of contract employment be seen to be open and to be based on merit assessment at regular intervals.

Dispensation may be sought from the Premier if there are compelling reasons which must be submitted by the Minister concerned. Where a position is advertised there is no impediment to current occupants applying for, and being reappointed through the merit selection process.

The Cabinet also approved that the standard contract be revised to allow the policy to be implemented. Further information will be made available by Premier's Department concerning the changes in the model contract, and any other measures that may be required to facilitate the smooth implementation of this Cabinet decision.

Would you please relay this Cabinet decision to the Chief Executive Officer within your portfolio and direct that appropriate notification be given to all SES officers, to satisfy the requirements of the current model contract (viz Clause 4).

Hon J J Fahey MP
Premier and Minister for Economic Development



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Sep 30, 1993
Review Date
Jul 17, 2016
Replaced By


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