Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M1994-01 Operation of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Youth Affairs

Detailed Outline

The Inter-Departmental Committee (IDC) on Youth Affairs was established in 1988 to assist with the co-ordinated development of the Government's long term youth policy.

Since then, membership has been expanded to include senior representatives of departments and agencies dealing with youth issues. Current membership comprises the Departments of School Education, Industrial Relations, Employment, Training and Further Education, Housing, Health, Police, Community Services, Attorney General's, Transport, Juvenile Justice, Corrective Services, the TAFE Commission Ministry for the Arts, Drug and Alcohol Directorate, Social Policy Directorate, The Cabinet Office, Treasury and the Office of Youth Affairs.

Ministerial policy advisers are also invited to attend meetings. This has been valuable to the work of the IDC, to Ministers and to the Government. The IDC is convened and serviced by the Office of Youth Affairs in the Ministry for Education and Youth Affairs.

The IDC gives high priority to developing co-operative relationships which assist Government agencies to work together to identify and address youth issues. It plays a key role in assisting with development, implementation and review of youth policy across Government.

The IDC reports to the Government through the Minister for School Education and Youth Affairs.

I have attached the Committee's revised Terms of Reference, which I have ratified, for your information. They emphasise the focus on co-ordination, particularly in relation to policy development, planning and evaluation of youth initiatives. Thank you for the support already provided to the IDC. 1 seek continued co-operation from your portfolio and ask that you ensure representatives are senior officers with policy and strategic planning responsibilities.

Further advice and assistance can be obtained by contacting Jillian Skinner in the Office of Youth Affairs on ph. 5618171.

Ian Armstrong, MP
Acting Premier



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jan 30, 1994
Review Date
Jan 30, 2004
Replaced By


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