Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M1994-36 Drought Assistance Coordination

Detailed Outline

Following the announcement of last week's drought relief package and the appointment of Mr G. File as Drought Relief Co-ordinator, it is important that the assistance package is effectively delivered.

As a number of agencies are offering substantial amounts of drought assistance there is a need to ensure that New South Wales efforts are co-ordinated and directed to those most in need. It is also essential that Cabinet is kept fully informed on the developing situation and the need for any further assistance measures.

It would- be appreciated if Ministers responsible for the following Departments and Agencies could provide the Drought Relief Co-ordinator with brief weekly updates on progress with their assistance packages:

NSW Agriculture NSW Public Works Department of Community Services Department of Water Resources Department of Transport.

Reports should include comment on progress with implementation, identification of problems with implementation, emerging situations which will need addressing, any co-ordination problems which are occurring and any general issues needing identification. Reports should be faxed to the Drought Relief Co-ordination Unit by noon every Friday.

Monthly reports using the same format should be submitted by the following Departments and Agencies:

  • Office of Energy
  • Department of Business and Regional Development
  • Department of Conservation and Land Management
  • Department of Local Government and Co-operatives
  • Department of Education

These reports should be submitted on the last working day of each month and forwarded by noon on that day.

1 would also indicate that there has been a significant focus by the media on the role of the Drought Co-ordination Unit and the NSW Government's response to the drought. Accordingly, when Ministerial or Agency press releases are issued which contain comment on measures associated with the drought 1 would ask that copies are made available to the Drought Relief Co-ordinator. Telephone briefing by press officers would also be of significant assistance.

Contact details for the Drought Relief Co-ordinator are:

Mr Geoff File
Telephone: (02) 228 3780
Fax: (02) 228 3775

John Fahey



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jul 17, 1994
Review Date
Jul 17, 2004
Replaced By


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