Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M1994-40 Jobstart

Detailed Outline

This memorandum explains arrangements for public agencies to participate in the Commonwealth Jobstart program in relation to long term unemployed people.

Under the Jobstart program, public agencies may claim Commonwealth wage subsidies to help meet the initial costs of employing eligible long term unemployed people. Basic arrangements and subsidy rates are set out in the enclosed-pamphlet from the Commonwealth Employment Service (CES). Details of Jobstart and the responsibilities of employers under the program are available from the Government Project Manager of the DEET NSW Business Centre, telephone 379 8772.

Eligible long term unemployed people may be recruited through the usual competitive selection processes for public employment in accordance with the merit principle. Where an eligible person competes successfully for an advertised vacancy or is recruited from the merit list managed by Recruitment Services Australia (operating in NSW as State Staff), the employing agency may be entitled to the Jobstart subsidy. The DEET NSW Business Centre should be consulted in these circumstances. However, the selection decision must be based on the person's suitability for the vacancy, without any special consideration for long term unemployed applicants. Where long term unemployed people are selected through open competition, they may be appointed as officers of the public service or of other public agencies.

Eligible long term unemployed people may also be recruited by referral from the CES to agencies participating in the Jobstart program. In these circumstances the CES will assist in matching eligible people with agencies' particular needs, including referral of long term unemployed people from nominated EEO groups. As CES referrals do not involve a

competitive selection process, people recruited in this way may be employed on a temporary basis. Agencies need to ensure that their responsibilities as employers under the Jobstart program are met in relation to such temporary employees. Where an agency proposes to appoint to enduring employment a temporary employee who was referred from the CES under the program, the merit principle must be observed.

No employee, permanent or temporary, should be displaced, declared excess or have their employment terminated to facilitate the engagement of long term unemployed people who qualify for the Jobstart program. Further, it would be unacceptable practice for an agency to employ people for the minimum period under the Jobstart program for recurring short terms merely to attract the subsidy.

Would you please ensure that Chief Executives of public agencies reporting to you are aware that their agencies may participate in the program.

Would you also please arrange for each agency to provide a brief report to the Director-General, Premier's Department, by 31 January 1995, showing the number of long term unemployed people employed by the agency up to that time under the Jobstart program, and the status and duration of each person's employment. Nil responses should be provided. The need for subsequent reports will be considered in the light of the January reports and advised separately.

Enquiries may be directed as follows:

Jobstart program - Government Project Manager of the DEET NSW Business Centre, telephone 379 8772.

NSW public employment policy - Theo Vermeulen, Personnel Policy Division, Premier's Department, telephone 228 5516.

John Fahey



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jul 17, 1994
Review Date
Jul 17, 2004
Replaced By


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