Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M1995-30 Statutory Authorities, Commissions, Advisory Boards, Consultative Committees and Councils - Review of Remuneration

Detailed Outline

New fee levels have been determined for non-executive directors and part-time members of Corporatised Government trading enterprises, Statutory Authorities, Advisory Councils, Committees, etc., effective from 1 July 1995. However, the new levels are only to apply to appointments made on and from 27 March 1995 and to persons whose terms have been renewed since that date. In determining the new fee levels, trends in private sector non-executive director remuneration, general salary increases and changes in statutory obligations have been taken into account. At this time, a general adjustment is considered to be unwarranted and the question of universal increases will be re-considered in December this year.

As you will be aware, the classification of organisations now includes four categories and these were defined in Premier's Memorandum No 93-43. Fee level increases have been approved for all category A, B and C organisations by up to 4% for both Chairpersons and Members. With regard to bodies which have been determined as category B or C, Ministers should use their discretion in applying this increased level to new members based on their work value and responsibilities and in the case of re-appointed members, their past performance.

New daily sitting fee upper limits for category D Advisory Councils, Committees, etc. within which NEnisters may fix rates having regard to work value and responsibilities are-

Chairperson Member

Full day $302 $183

Half day $151 $92

The policy of newly created boards and committees which fall into categories B and C having their initial fees approved by the Premier, as outlined in Memorandum 94-43, is to continue and C Nfinisters are requested to provide recommendations with respect to those organisations prior to 1 appointments being referred to Cabinet for approval. Daily sitting fees for new councils and committees which clearly are of an advisory nature under category D are to be determined by portfolio Ministers within the above upper fee limits.

It would be appreciated if you could bring this Memorandum to the attention of all relevant departments and authorities within your administration. Any request for further advice or clarification should be directed to Senior Executive Services, Office of Public Employment on 228 3457 or 228 4381.




Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jul 5, 2006
Review Date
Jul 5, 2016
Replaced By


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