Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M1995-38 Reform of the Chief and Senior Executive Service (SES) and Annual Review of Executive Remuneration


Supersedes C94-13

Detailed Outline

The Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal (SOORT) has in its annual review of executive remuneration determined a maximum three (3) per cent increase for SES office holders on and from 1 October 1995, subject to certified satisfactory performance.

The adjustment is consistent with the increase agreed earlier this year between the Public Service Association and the Government for the remainder of the public service. As with other parts of the public service it is expected that there will be further productivity improvements, and attention to meeting the Government's budgetary objectives.

The role now for Ministers is to review their Chief Executive Officers' (CE0s) performance in light of agreement/s established and based on that review, determine the level of increase warranted (if any). I invite you to contact Ken Cripps, Commissioner, Public Employment Office, if you require assistance with the performance review process, telephone (02) 228 4443.

Office holders can be awarded three (3) per cent or part thereof as a result of their annual performance review, (occurring on or after 1 October 1995) if they are not awarded the full three (3) per cent from the 1995 SOORT Determination. Increases as previously indicated are subject to certified satisfactory performance.

The maximum increase payable to office holders until the 1996 annual determination will be three (3) per cent.

CE0s will also be undertaking a review of their Senior Executive Office holders' performance. As Minister you may wish to be informed of any increases granted to those office holders within your portfolio/ s.

The Tribunal, in determining increased remuneration for office holders has taken account of the Governmenfs reform of the existing SES structure. This. new structure absorbs the existing general management finance, legal, data processing and engineering markets into a single stream with (4) four bands. The former medical markets (general and specialist) have been retained and are not affected.

The incorporation of the former specialist markets provides a new uniform structure for all positions in the SES. The new structure now consists of two (2) streams, the Executive and the Medical (general and sR£Ciahst). The existing Cullen Egan Dell (CED) job evaluation methodology will be retained.

Detailed advice to CE0s and Agency SES Administrators is being undertaken separately. A copy of the guidelines issued to SES Administrators is attached for your information. Further enquires can be directed to the officers listed at the end of the guidelines. State Owned Corporations are not covered by this Determination.

Bob Carr



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jul 5, 2006
Review Date
Jul 5, 2016
Replaced By


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