Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M1996-17 Rural Communities Impact Statements


Any major changes proposed by government agencies in rural New South Wales will, in future, be subject to a Rural Communities Impact Statement.

The purpose of such a statement is to ensure that the potential economic and social impact of any changes are considered, so that the Government is aware of the full extent of the impact in services, staff numbers or facilities in regional areas.

Detailed Outline

As recently announced, any major changes proposed by government agencies in rural New South Wales will, in future, be subject to a Rural Communities Impact Statement.

The purpose of such a statement is to ensure that the potential economic and social impact of any changes are considered, so that the Government is aware of the full extent of the impact in services, staff numbers or facilities in regional areas.

In taking this approach, Ministers must ensure that the economic and social effects of particular proposals are considered in their development and not in the final stage. It will also be important to consider the implications of a proposal in the context of other Government decisions or developments affecting a particular region.

Cabinet proposals which have clear economic and social impacts on rural areas should fully analyse and assess those issues in the body of the Cabinet Minute. It will not be acceptable to present a short or summary statement about such impacts at the end of the Minute.

Ministers will be assisted in their consideration of social impacts resulting from government policy decisions in rural areas by social impact guidelines to be developed by The Cabinet Office in the near future.

Bob Carr




Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Oct 8, 1996
Review Date
Dec 31, 2014
Replaced By


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