Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M1997-19 Spokeswomen's Programme


This Memorandum is superseded by C2008-33

Detailed Outline

Organisations are only as strong as the people who work within them. To achieve an effective, efficient and productive public sector, it is critical to enhance equality and fairness in the workplace and by doing so ensure that all employees have the opportunity to reach their potential.

The commitment of the New South Wales Government to employment equity is demonstrated by recent legislative change as well as key policy initiatives.

I have recently endorsed the Spokeswomen's Programme Policy as one such initiative. This policy has been developed to ensure that women represent 50% of all levels of public sector employment by 2003.

The Spokeswomen's Programme is a key management strategy for developing employment opportunities for women and has become important for the training and communication role it plays within organisations. The strategies implemented by the Spokeswomen's Programme have resulted in a more efficient public sector.

It is a policy requirement for your portfolio organisations to have a Spokeswomen's Programme in place that will ensure the achievement of these objectives.

Your active assistance in supporting the Spokeswomen's Programme is sought.

The Central Co-ordinating Committee of Spokeswomen is the executive body responsible for the operation of the Spokeswomen's Programme and is required to report to me on the activities of the Programme.

If you require further information concerning the Spokeswomen's Programme please contact Jean Slarke, telephone number (02) 9228 5518.

Bob Carr

Issued by: Public Sector Management Office
Contact: Jean Slarke
Telephone: (02) 9228 5518
Date: 19 August 1997



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jul 5, 2006
Review Date
Jul 5, 2016
Replaced By


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