Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M1998-06 Government Policy on Advertising in the Ethnic Media


Superseded by the development of the NSW Government Advertising Guidelines and peer review process as outlined in the NSW Government Advertising Act 2011

Detailed Outline

The Government has a commitment to ensuring that information on its services, programs and activities is available to all members of the community including those from non-English speaking backgrounds

Clearly the ethnic media play an important role in disseminating information across a wide sector of the community and my Memorandum 95-47 outlined the requirement that a minimum of 7.5% of the campaign advertising budget allocated to newspaper advertising by Government agencies be allocated to the placement of advertisements in non-English language newspapers. Similar targets are also to be met in electronic advertising expenditure for the use of non-English language radio and, where applicable, television. Whilst no targets have been set for non-campaign advertising, agencies were reminded of the need to reach the entire NSW population in areas such as employment advertising, public notices, and grants programs.

A recent review of advertising expenditure by the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Government Advertising indicates that many agencies are not complying with these requirements. Accordingly, I seek your co-operation in ensuring that all agencies associated with your administration are reminded of the Government's policy and requested to review their advertising strategies.

The Government Advertising Agency is available to assist agencies in developing ethnic media schedules for individual campaigns. For further information please contact Ms Colleen Moore, General Manager, Government Information and Advertising, telephone 9339 7539.

Bob Carr



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jul 5, 2006
Review Date
Jul 5, 2016
Replaced By


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