Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M2002-15 Review of Government Advertising Placement and Expenditure


Related to M2002-14 and C2000-62. Superseded by M2005-06

Detailed Outline

Further to Memorandum 2002-14 a number of other changes to advertising policy and procedures have now been determined. Agencies are asked to implement these changes immediately and where necessary to respond to requests for information as a matter of urgency.

These changes relate to advertising public sector vacant positions and the role of the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Advertising.

Vacant Positions

For some time now I have been concerned at the increasing number of display advertisements for middle level positions and the increase in the size and content of many advertisements. Accordingly the following requirements are now introduced:

  • No vacant position is to appear as a display advertisement. In very exceptional circumstances vacancies may be placed as display advertisements but these advertisements must be personally approved by the Director-General of the relevant department and a copy of the approval forwarded to the Government Advertising Agency (GAA) of the Department of Public Works and Services (DPWS) with the request to advertise.
  • CES and SES positions will in future be placed in a single NSW Government Senior Executives composite advertisement coordinated by the GAA. This composite advertisement will appear as a display advertisement in the Early General News section of the press.
  • Agencies are to strictly conform to the current government personnel policy requirements relating to advertising job vacancies ie all vacant position advertisements are to be 13 lines of 52 characters. This restriction relates to the position description, selection criteria and notes but not the title, salary or the enquiry details (Circular 2000-62 refers). The GAA will regulate this requirement and will reject advertisements which are non compliant.
  • All government vacant positions are to be advertised in the Saturday government composite advertisement in either the Daily Telegraph or the Sydney Morning Herald. However, Information Technology and Scientific type positions will continue to be placed in the specialists' section of the press and Health workers in the Thursday health composite and not the Saturday government composite advertisement.
  • Advertising of vacant positions in local and regional press is not affected by these changes and should be placed in the current manner.
  • All agencies are to arrange for all vacant positions available to the public to be accessible through the government's recruitment website jobs.nsw administered by DPWS. This should include health workers, teachers and police and arrangements to links to the jobs.nsw site should be made direct with Anne Gillespie, jobs.nsw Administrator, email [email protected]

Cabinet Sub-Committee on Advertising

Procedures relating to the functioning of the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Advertising have also been strengthened.

  • Agencies are now required to submit to the Cabinet Sub-Committee each January and July an advertising plan and budget for the following six (6) months. These proposals will need to be approved by Cabinet Sub-Committee prior to the briefing or the appointment of creative advertising agencies. Agencies will be advised in writing of the Sub-Committee's approval, suggested changes or rejection of the advertising proposals.
  • Advertising not included in the six (6) month strategy will not be approved except in special circumstances and with the approval of the Premier. In accordance with existing policy the final creative material, media plan and budget must also be approved by the Cabinet Sub-Committee before any media bookings are made. Advertising relating to the announcement of a new initiative in services to the community or the response to a particular incident or community concern will still require the Sub-Committee's initial approval of the proposed strategy, media plan and budget before creative material can be developed.

As an initial step to introduce these new requirements agencies are asked to report to the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Advertising through the GAA, on advertising and budgets for the period October 2002 to 31 December 2002. Details should be submitted to the GAA by Wednesday 25 September for consideration by the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Advertising meeting scheduled for 8 October. As indicated above agencies will need to provide details of proposed advertising for the period January to June 2003 in January.

Another change to the existing procedures is that proposals will only be considered at a scheduled Cabinet Sub-Committee meeting and not by the Sub-Committee Chairman outside the meeting program. Only in very exceptional circumstances will the Chairman give special consideration to these matters, when supported by a written request from the responsible Minister.

Any enquiries regarding position vacant advertising should be directed to Bob Gallagher, General Manager, Government Advertising and Information email [email protected], phone (02) 9372 7401, fax (02) 9372 7421.

Col Gellatly

Contact: Bob Gallagher
Phone: (02) 9372 7401
Fax: (02) 9372 7421
Date: 18 September 2002

Related to M2002-14 and C2000-62. Superseded by M2005-06.



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Date Issued
Jul 5, 2006
Review Date
Jul 5, 2016
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