Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M2003-17 Major Infrastructure Proposals


Superseded by M2005-09

Detailed Outline

The Government's reconfiguration of ministries and departmental responsibilities for planning, transport and infrastructure seeks to better integrate land use, transport and key infrastructure development.

Consistent with this goal, the Minister for Infrastructure and Planning will have a central role in reviewing and endorsing major infrastructure proposals, and asset strategies (including but not limited to major Capital Investment Strategic Plans) for roads, transport, energy and utilities, education, health, and housing. The Cabinet Standing Committee on Infrastructure and Planning will support the Minister in this role.

All Ministers should ensure that major infrastructure proposals are provided to the Minister for Infrastructure and Planning at the earliest possible stage and before detailed design and planning occurs.

The Minister for Infrastructure and Planning will refer proposals to the Cabinet Standing Committee on Infrastructure and Planning. Consideration and approval of proposals by the Cabinet Standing Committee on Infrastructure and Planning will be required before they can be presented to the Cabinet Standing Committee on the Budget, included in forward estimates, Capital Investment Strategic Plans and Statements of Business Intent, considered for in-principle approval as Projects of State Significance (in the case of Government businesses), or released for public comment.

In the event of clarification being required, the Director-General of the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources will be responsible for defining 'major' infrastructure proposals.

The Cabinet Standing Committee on Infrastructure and Planning will also consider standards that may have an impact on the design or cost of infrastructure. This will mainly include standards relating to safety, construction or environmental performance - whether they are state or national standards - but need not be confined to these matters. For example, standards or rules relating to discrimination that affect access requirements in building construction may be relevant.

Ministers should therefore ensure that proposals to review and remake existing standards, or to establish new standards, are submitted for consideration by the Committee prior to advancing any relevant legislation, regulation, policy statement or, in the case of national standards, endorsement of proposed standards in any Ministerial or other national forum. The submission should be accompanied by appropriate cost-benefit analysis.

If there is any uncertainty about whether or not a particular standard needs to be referred to the Committee you should seek advice from the Director-General of The Cabinet Office.

These arrangements reflect the role of the Cabinet Standing Committee on Infrastructure and Planning as the entity responsible for setting the strategic directions for urban and regional development and associated infrastructure priorities. They are intended to ensure that individual major infrastructure projects reflect and reinforce these directions and priorities.

While acknowledging the independence and rights of State Owned Corporations, I seek their support in this matter and the full cooperation of all State agencies.

Bob Carr

The Cabinet Office contact :
Paul Elton, Policy Manager, Natural Resources Branch
Phone: 9228 5493
Email: [email protected]
Superseded by M2005-09



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jul 5, 2006
Review Date
Jul 5, 2016
Replaced By


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