In NSW, the film and television industry produces feature films, documentaries, telemovies, mini-series, TV series, TV commercials, content for mobiles and portable devices and corporate and music videos. Business also includes post-production such as audio, dubbing, special effects, subtitling and editing. Investment in this industry is a strong economic multiplier and it generates income, jobs and opportunities for our most talented young people. It also provides an opportunity to market the State internationally.
It is the policy of this Government that agencies provide the highest possible level of cooperation with film makers. It is expected that Ministers and Chief Executive Officers will act to ensure that:
- there is a responsive and cooperative attitude in dealing with filming requests;
- applications for access are processed promptly;
- access to locations is to be supported wherever possible and should not be unreasonably withheld;
- clear reasons for refusal should be provided, and alternative arrangements for sites offered if possible;
- fees are kept to a minimum and should only reflect costs
Detailed Outline
In NSW, the film and television industry produces feature films, documentaries, telemovies, mini-series, TV series, TV commercials, content for mobiles and portable devices and corporate and music videos. Business also includes post-production such as audio, dubbing, special effects, subtitling and editing. Investment in this industry is a strong economic multiplier and it generates income, jobs and opportunities for our most talented young people. It also provides an opportunity to market the State internationally.
More than 1,100 film and television related businesses are located in NSW, employing more than 9,000 people and generating income in the vicinity of some $1 billion per annum. The multiplier effects of this industry are very large and can provide substantial economic benefits to this State.
NSW dominates the Australian feature film and TV drama production industry, attracting almost 50% of total production expenditure in Australia over the last 5 years. However, the industry is a competitive one and to retain its competitive edge and the benefits which flow from the skill and experience developed here, we need to ensure that the environment in NSW is one that encourages the screen industry.
It is the policy of this Government that agencies provide the highest possible level of cooperation with film makers. It is expected that Ministers and Chief Executive Officers will act to ensure that:
- there is a responsive and cooperative attitude in dealing with filming requests;
- applications for access are processed promptly;
- access to locations is to be supported wherever possible and should not be unreasonably withheld;
- clear reasons for refusal should be provided, and alternative arrangements for sites offered if possible;
- fees are kept to a minimum and should only reflect costs
For those agencies who are involved in approvals supporting location filming, particularly through land management, regulatory responsibility or service provision, then the following arrangements should be made :
- A Film Contact Officer is nominated and the NSW Film and Television Office provided with that name;
- Film Contact Officers are aware of the need to accommodate film production and identify film opportunities within their area where possible;.
- The agency should have film access policies, fee structures and filming application forms available on their websites, and inquiry staff should receive training and information about best practice in managing inquiries from film makers. The agency Film Contact Officer will assist film makers in obtaining the necessary approvals, support and access to agency services; and
- Contact details for agency Film Contact Officers should be available on each agency’s website and the NSW Film and Television Office informed of any changes, so that a current contact list can be maintained.
Film and television is a deadline-driven industry and inquiries and applications for film making must be processed promptly. Where an agency receives regular inquiries from film makers, they should give a guarantee of service and set time limits for processing of applications.
The NSW Film and Television Office (FTO) will prepare a “standard form” which may be used by agencies. This will include suggestions on standard terms and conditions, such as the level of public liability insurance required. On request the FTO will assist agencies with advice on preparation of forms and processes for dealing with the film industry.
Agencies should permit filming activities, and/or make locations and facilities available for film makers wherever possible, taking into account public amenity, safety, security, and other operational requirements. Requests for agency services should also receive a positive response wherever possible. Where filming access, services or approvals cannot reasonably be given, the film maker should be advised as early as possible of this response, reasons given for it, and alternatives suggested if possible.
Agencies will be required to provide information on their Film Contact Officer and the timetable for ensuring that the necessary support structure, such as policies and fees structures, by 31 July 2008. The operational arrangements for supporting the film industry, including website amendments if required, must be in place by 30 September 2008. The initial information should be provided to the NSW Film and Television Office by email to [email protected] and confirmation that arrangements have been completed and the website address details are to be provided to the same address by the deadline.
Morris Iemma
Minister for Citizenship
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