Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M2008-20 2008 Annual Determination of Remuneration for Chief Executive and Senior Executive Services


This Memorandum has been superseded by Premier's Memorandum 2008-29 and supersedes Premier's Memorandum 2007-17.

Detailed Outline

The Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal (SOORT) has made its annual Determination for Chief Executive and Senior Executive Services (CES and SES).  The Report and Determination were published in the Government Gazette of 24 October 2008.  The Determination takes effect from 1 October 2008.  It is available from the Tribunal’s website:

In summary, SOORT determined a general increase of 3.9% to the remuneration packages of CES and SES officers.  The Tribunal considered that 2.5% should be passed on to each SES officer subject to satisfactory performance.  The Tribunal also determined that in undertaking performance reviews, CEOs should approve up to a further 1.4% increase in circumstances where there have been, in the view of the CEO, productivity improvements within the agency sufficient to warrant the additional increase.

I have today written to the Tribunal requesting a special determination capping the remuneration increase to 2.5% effective 1 October 2008 in light of the current financial situation in NSW, nationally and at a global level.

Pending the response from the Tribunal, agency CEOs may only approve payment of the 2.5% increase (subject to satisfactory performance).

The Tribunal also adjusted Recruitment and Retention Allowance levels.  The new rates are only payable to Recruitment and Retention Allowances approved from 1 October 2008. 

Nathan Rees MP



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Oct 29, 2008
Review Date
Oct 30, 2018
Replaced By


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