Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M2010-07 Working Together: Public Sector Workplace Health and Safety and Injury Management Strategy 2010 - 2012


The New South Wales Government is taking action to improve health and safety as well as return to work outcomes in NSW workplaces. As a key strategy to achieve this, I am pleased to announce the release of Working Together: Public Sector Workplace Health and Safety and Injury Management Strategy 2010 – 2012 (Working Together 2010 – 2012).

Detailed Outline

The New South Wales Government is taking action to improve health and safety as well as return to work outcomes in NSW workplaces. As a key strategy to achieve this, I am pleased to announce the release of Working Together: Public Sector Workplace Health and Safety and Injury Management Strategy 2010 – 2012 (Working Together 2010 – 2012).

Working Together 2010 – 2012 will guide and support improvements in public sector workplace safety and injury management systems, policy, procedures and outcomes. Successful implementation of the Strategy will reduce the incidence and severity of injury and illness to public sector workers, decrease the duration and cost of workers compensation claims and improve return to work outcomes.

Working Together 2010 – 2012 builds on the success of Working Together: Public Sector OHS and Injury Management Strategy 2005 – 2008, while focusing attention on areas that will realise genuine benefits for public sector staff. The strategy sets a series of actions and targets under six key action areas to reinforce the Government’s commitment to the well being of its valuable workforce.

Working Together 2010 – 2012 has been endorsed by Cabinet. All Public Sector Agencies and State Owned Corporations are to comply with the requirements of Working Together. If necessary, State Owned Corporations can be directed to comply with this Memorandum by the respective portfolio Minister under section 20 O of the State Owned Corporations Act 1989. Public Sector Agencies includes the Government Service (Public Service Departments, Non-Public Service Divisions and Special Employment Divisions), the Teaching Service, NSW Police and the NSW Health Service).

I look forward to seeing New South Wales Government Ministers, Directors General and Chief Executives of public sector agencies, claims managers, public sector employees and unions working together to achieve safer and healthier workplaces.

Copies of the Strategy can be downloaded from

Kristina Keneally MP



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AR Details

Date Issued
Jun 1, 2010
Review Date
Dec 31, 2014
Replaced By


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