Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M2010-11 Improving Client and Customer Satisfaction with Public Services


In the past three years, NSW departments and agencies have taken concrete actions to improve the responsiveness of their services to the needs of clients and customers. Cabinet has now approved the Improving Client and Customer Satisfaction strategy which requires a more systematic approach to improving client and customer satisfaction with public services.

Detailed Outline

In the past three years, NSW departments and agencies have taken concrete actions to improve the responsiveness of their services to the needs of clients and customers. Cabinet has now approved the Improving Client and Customer Satisfaction strategy which requires a more systematic approach to improving client and customer satisfaction with public services.

The Improving Client and Customer Satisfaction strategy has several components. Ministers are to ensure their departments and agencies measure client and customer satisfaction with key services on a regular basis; and that these measures are used to inform service planning, design, management, delivery and evaluation.

Departments and agencies are to implement a systematic approach to meet the needs of their clients and customers which includes (a) the regular collection of client and customer feedback, (b) redesigning services to meet user priorities, (c) customising services to specific needs groups and individuals, and (d) supporting frontline employees.

Cabinet has also approved putting a renewed focus on improving client and customer service in the performance agreements of Directors General and Chief Executives. From 2010-11 onwards, the performance agreements of Directors General and Chief Executives will need to include measures of client and customer satisfaction with key services that are their responsibility and actions that are to be taken to improve satisfaction with these services.

Practical information and case studies to support departments and agencies in implementing this strategy are available on the new Improving Client and Customer Satisfaction website ( I would like to thank the members of the Customer Satisfaction Senior Officer Group for their valuable contribution to the development of these resources.

The Department of Premier and Cabinet will monitor implementation of the Improving Client and Customer Satisfaction strategy; and advise on additional whole-of-government strategies to support departments and agencies in better meeting the needs of clients and customers.

Kristina Keneally MP



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AR Details

Date Issued
Jul 1, 2010
Review Date
Jul 1, 2015
Replaced By


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