This Memorandum supersedes Memoranda M2002-12, M2001-08, M1995-07, M2003-10, and M2009-09. Superseded by M2013-07.Detailed Outline
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) is the peak intergovernmental forum in Australia. Its role is to initiate, develop and monitor the implementation of policy reforms of national significance which require co-operative action by Australian governments.
COAG Councils manage and oversee a range of these reforms. There are three types of Councils in the COAG system:
- Standing Councils that are ongoing and address enduring issues of national significance;
- Select Councils that are reform-focused and time-limited; and
- Legislative and Governance Fora that oversee responsibilities set out in legislation, intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) and treaties outside the scope of Standing Councils.
Councils are important mechanisms for intergovernmental consultation and decision-making.
The following protocols are broadly consistent with long standing COAG protocols, and seek to ensure clarity for NSW Ministers and agencies regarding NSW participation in, and engagement with, the COAG Ministerial Council system.
Matters to be brought to Cabinet
It is essential that Ministers attending Council meetings or providing a response on Council matters are in a position to properly reflect the interests and views of the NSW Government. Ministers should decline to consider matters unless adequate notice of them has been given beforehand.
The following matters should come before Cabinet, unless the Premier specially approves otherwise:
- Intergovernmental agreements to which NSW would potentially be a signatory;
- Significant policy/funding decisions to be made by the Ministerial Council that have implications for NSW; and
- Agenda items to be put forward from NSW relating to the above.
Upon receipt, copies of Ministerial Council agendas, relevant papers and briefing notes should be forwarded to the Director General of the Department of Premier and Cabinet (or the Director General’s delegate). Results of the Council meetings should also be reported to the Department of Premier and Cabinet at the earliest opportunity.
Cross portfolio consultation
A coordinated NSW position should be developed in consultation with all relevant agencies prior to a Minister or Ministers taking part in Council determinations. New Councils will be expected to deal with a range of matters that may involve more than one portfolio. Council Ministers and relevant agencies are required to liaise, as necessary, with other relevant Ministers and portfolios to ensure a coordinated NSW approach to policy development and response to matters considered by the Council.
A coordinating NSW Minister has been nominated for Councils that have multiple NSW representation. The coordinating Minister will ensure a single NSW point of contact relating to Council business. However, it is not the function of a coordinating Minister to represent NSW on all matters before the Council or take a lead role on matters not within their portfolio. Ministers, as joint members of a Council, should consult one another concerning items on the agenda, or items that are to be proposed for the agenda, and clearly identify the relevant lead agency for each matter before the Council.
For any Council matters that may affect more than one portfolio, the lead agency is responsible for ensuring that coordinated advice is prepared.
Attendance at Council and Fora meetings
Where more than one Minister is a member of a Council, the Ministers involved should consult one another concerning items on the agenda, in order to determine whether it is necessary for more than one Minister to attend or whether one Minister could represent NSW for all issues under consideration.
In circumstances where it is required that more than one Minister attend, the Ministers involved should consult one another concerning items on the agenda to determine which Minister will speak or vote on each relevant item on behalf of NSW.
If a Minister, as a member of a Council, is unable to attend a meeting, they may nominate a delegate to attend on their behalf. Where possible the delegate should be another Minister supported by the Director General of the relevant departmental cluster with primary policy responsibility for the matters that are subject to Council consideration.
Funding arrangements
COAG has not set guidelines for Councils regarding funding of their operational arrangements. It is up to Councils to determine relevant secretariat arrangements and staffing matters. In circumstances where more than one Minister or agency is affiliated with a Council, funding for Council operations, including any secretariat funding, should be apportioned between participating agencies as agreed by member NSW Ministers.
Portfolios outside the COAG Council System
Any Minister may put forward a suggestion for COAG work to the Premier, who may in turn then propose the matter for COAG consideration.
It is not intended that Ministers who are not members of a Council should meet with their counterparts in other jurisdictions on an ongoing basis. COAG has agreed that Ministers in these portfolio areas may meet informally from time to time to discuss specific matters. However, such meetings would not be within the COAG system. In addition, relevant officials in these portfolio areas may meet to progress work of an interjurisdictional nature.
The Handbook for COAG Councils
The Handbook has been developed to provide best-practice advice to COAG Councils and their secretariats. It provides information about the structure of the new COAG Council system and general operating procedures for Councils. It also provides best-practice guidance to secretariats on supporting their Councils strategically and administratively. A COAG Best Practice Regulation Guide has also been developed to be read in conjunction with the Handbook.
The Handbook and Regulation guide can both be accessed via the COAG website at
Current Councils
A list of the current COAG Councils is available.
Further information on the new COAG Council system is available via the COAG website at
Barry O’Farrell
- Not Mandatory
AR Details
- Date Issued
- May 2, 2012
- Review Date
- May 17, 2022
- Replaces
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- Department of Premier and Cabinet
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- Department of Premier and Cabinet