Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M2013-05 Legislative Program - Spring Sittings 2013


Superseded by M2013-12 Legislative Program - 2014

Detailed Outline

Attachment: Legislative Program - Spring Sittings 2013 Form

Ministers and agencies are advised that the following deadlines apply to Government Bills for the 2013 Spring Sittings:

Notice of legislative proposals – 19 July

Ministers are requested to provide the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) with details of all legislative proposals that they intend to bring to Cabinet for introduction in the 2013 Spring Sittings, by Friday 19 July 2013. A form for this purpose is attached.

These legislative proposals will be collated, reviewed and prioritised on the basis of their importance, urgency, complexity and state of preparation. A comprehensive prioritised list of the Government’s legislative proposals for the 2013 Spring Sittings will be submitted for the approval of Cabinet, and Ministers will then be advised of the legislative priority that has been allocated in respect of each individual proposal.

(If additional unanticipated proposals emerge after 19 July 2013, Ministers are requested to notify DPC using the attached form as soon as they become aware of the new proposal. However, a strong case for the inclusion of a late proposal in the legislative program will need to be made as late proposals can adversely impact upon the preparation and timing of other Bills.)

Cabinet Minutes for in-principle approval – 9 August

Cabinet Minutes seeking in-principle approval for the drafting of Bills to be introduced in the 2013 Spring Sittings must be lodged with the Cabinet Secretariat, on or before Friday 9 August 2013.

Ministers are reminded of the need to consult with central agencies and other affected Ministers and agencies before finalising and lodging a Cabinet Minute. Ministers are also reminded of the ‘ten-day rule’ which applies once a Cabinet Minute has been lodged – see pages 17 and 18 of the Ministerial Handbook.

(Again, it is recognised that urgent requirements for legislation can emerge at any time. If this happens, Ministers should notify DPC immediately (using the attached form) and bring forward a Cabinet Minute as soon as possible.)

Drafting instructions to Parliamentary Counsel – within 3 days of Cabinet approval

Following in-principle approval by Cabinet, comprehensive drafting instructions must be provided to the Parliamentary Counsel's Office as soon as possible (and in any event within no more than three working days after Cabinet's in-principle approval).

Final Bills – 18 October

Final Bills are to be drafted and submitted for the approval of the Cabinet Standing Committee on Legislation (or Cabinet, where a Bill Minute is required) by Friday 18 October 2013.

Government Bills cut-off – 14 November

The Legislative Council has imposed a cut-off date of Thursday 14 November 2013 for Government Bills to be introduced in the 2013 Spring Sittings. This means that no Government Bill will be able to be debated and passed unless:

  1. in the case of a Bill originating in the Legislative Council, it is introduced into the Legislative Council on or before 14 November 2013; or
  2. in the case of a Bill originating in the Legislative Assembly, it is received by the Legislative Council from the Legislative Assembly on or before 14 November 2013; or
  3. the Legislative Council otherwise resolves to consider the Bill as 'urgent'.

To assist in the orderly consideration and passage of Bills throughout the sitting period, Ministers are asked to bring forward legislative proposals as early as possible, and in advance of the above deadlines where possible.

Matters received outside of the above times will not be included in the Parliamentary program for the 2013 Spring Sittings, except in exceptional circumstances where a case for urgency is made and the approval of the Premier is obtained.

Any enquiries regarding the submission of legislative proposals should be directed to the Branch Manager, Cabinet Secretariat on (02) 9228 4636.



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jun 28, 2013
Review Date
Jul 1, 2023
Replaced By


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