Local Decision Making (LDM) is a new Aboriginal community governance initiative under the NSW Government’s plan for Aboriginal Affairs: Opportunity, Choice, Healing, Responsibility, Empowerment (OCHRE).
LDM recognises the need for a localised and flexible place-based approach to service delivery in NSW Aboriginal communities. Under LDM, Local Aboriginal communities are given an increasing voice in service delivery and, through LDM regional alliances, will be progressively delegated greater powers and budgetary control as capacity is proven and agreed conditions are met.
Detailed Outline
Roles and responsibilities of NSW agencies in supporting LDM
The NSW Government and participating LDM regional alliances will establish formal and binding agreements, known as Accords.
Aboriginal Affairs will coordinate the overall implementation of LDM. This includes reporting annually on the implementation of LDM to the Secretaries Board and committing to publicly release a formal evaluation of LDM in 2016.
The Regional Coordination branch of the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet will manage the participation of agencies in LDM and coordinate service re-design where appropriate.
NSW Treasury will develop funding models which can be implemented in LDM areas and allow a re-direction of NSW Government resources if required. All funding models should be consistent with individual Accord priorities.
NSW agencies identified in an LDM Accord will negotiate openly and in good faith, with the objective of achieving positive outcomes.
Independent facilitators will be engaged to assist in the Accord negotiation process.
NSW agency engagement with LDM regional alliances is to be conducted by senior officers with sufficient delegation and authority. Agencies will work respectfully, constructively and cooperatively with LDM regional alliances.
NSW agencies will adhere to the principles of LDM and ensure staff are educated to respond to the needs of Aboriginal communities in a culturally sensitive and appropriate manner.
LDM regional alliances will be made aware of NSW Government services currently being delivered to their local Aboriginal community. To ensure this occurs, NSW agencies will participate in service mapping processes to identify all relevant Aboriginal-specific and mainstream service funding programs in LDM regions.
NSW agency representatives will provide information in a timely manner and consistent with service mapping processes.
Government and LDM regional alliances will share service provision and indicator data to support the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of LDM and negotiation of Accords.
Agencies should refer to the LDM policy and operational framework and the LDM website for further information and guidance.
Who needs to know and/or comply with this?
- Departments
- Executive agencies related to Departments
- Separate agencies
- Statutory Authorities/Bodies
- Not Mandatory
AR Details
- Date Issued
- Mar 3, 2015
- Review Date
- Mar 3, 2024
- Replaces
- Replaced By
- Contact
- Contact us
- Phone
- 02 9228 5555
- Publishing Entity
- Department of Premier and Cabinet
- Issuing Entity
- Premier