This circular explains the mandatory elements of the Annual Return Procedures for 2017-18.
For the 2017-18 year agencies are required to submit to Treasury:
- Crown Data Returns by 13 July 2018.
- Prime Data Return by 18 July 2018.
- Preliminary Annual Returns by 23 July 2018.
- Supplementary schedules to the Annual Returns and Resolution of Emerging Issues previously advised to Treasury by 23 July 2018.
- Revisions to Preliminary Annual Returns by 17 August 2018
Agencies must develop a detailed plan to ensure delivery by these dates. The plan should be developed in consultation with key stakeholders, including the Audit Office of New South Wales (Audit Office), and incorporate sufficient time for management review and involvement of Audit and Risk Committees. Agencies are also required to provide the Final Annual Return as detailed in this circular.
Please refer to detailed timetable in Appendix A, noting the first return is due on 18 June 2018.
This Circular applies to all NSW public sector agencies, including State Owned Corporations, that are required to submit Prime returns.
Who needs to know and/or comply with this?
- Departments
- Executive agencies related to Departments
- State Owned Corporations
- Subsidiaries of the NSW Government established under the Corporations Act
- Mandatory
AR Details
- Date Issued
- May 29, 2018
- Review Date
- Jun 30, 2019
- Replaces
- Replaced By
- Contact
- Phone
- Publishing Entity
- The Treasury
- Issuing Entity
- The Treasury