Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

P1995-02 Re-Entry into the Public Service


A number of Senior Executives were provided with considerable redundancy compensation payouts under the previous Government. In some cases total payouts exceeded twelve months salary. The previous policy relating to re-entry was far too generous and in some cases was abused by allowing double dipping such as effective re-entry in the capacity as a consultant or contractor or alternatively re-entry into a classified position after maximum payout but retaining the full superannuation entitlement.

Detailed Outline

A number of Senior Executives were provided with considerable redundancy compensation payouts under the previous Government. In some cases total payouts exceeded twelve months salary. The previous policy relating to re-entry was far too generous and in some cases was abused by allowing double dipping such as effective re-entry in the capacity as a consultant or contractor or alternatively re-entry into a classified position after maximum payout but retaining the full superannuation entitlement.

The general principle is that no officer who has been retrenched or paid compensation as determined by SOORT is to be re-engaged by the Public Service for a minimum of 12 months. However, re-entry will be considered if the person concerned repays the compensation.

Where officers have sought and obtained compensation and taken significant payouts exceeding 12 months remuneration, the total compensation payment divided by the contract salary component of the position being offered will determine the length of time before re-entry is possible. No officer is to re-enter by way of a reclassified position unless he or she reimburses the State for the compensation paid.

The only exception will be where a negotiated position is reached for various valid reasons before exit from the Public Service.

The Public Employment Office Commissioner will be the determining authority in this respect.

Ken Cripps
Acting Commissioner



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
May 10, 1995
Review Date
Sep 29, 2000
Replaced By


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