Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

P1995-03 Pecuniary Interest Declaration - Ministerial Staff


To ensure the highest standard of probity within Government it is essential that Ministerial personal staff do not engage in any activity that may create a situation of conflict of interest either between themselves and their duties or Ministerial responsibility.

Detailed Outline

To ensure the highest standard of probity within Government it is essential that Ministerial personal staff do not engage in any activity that may create a situation of conflict of interest either between themselves and their duties or Ministerial responsibility.

Therefore, each member of the Ministerial personal staff is required to provide a declaration stating that there is no activity which would constitute a conflict of interest. The declaration should be provided to the Minister's Chief of Staff and copies of all Ministerial Staff pecuniary interest declarations are to be provided to the Commissioner for Public Employment within two weeks. For staff engaged in the future, the declaration must be provided within two weeks of commencement.

In addition, any change in interests should be notified within two weeks of the change occurring.

The Public Employment Office should also be consulted as to the correct format of the declaration.

Ken Cripps
Acting Commissioner



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
May 10, 1995
Review Date
Sep 29, 2000
Replaced By


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Department of Premier and Cabinet