Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

P1995-56 Senior Executive Service - Motor Vehicle Leasing Costs


Effective from 1 October 1994, and as published in Circular 94-22 of 7 October 1994, the method of calculating the lease rates for SES vehicles changed from a percentage basis (then 13%) to a monthly lease rate under the new operating lease arrangement with Macquarie Bank Limited. It was indicated in the circular that the rates would be reviewed annually.

Detailed Outline

Effective from 1 October 1994, and as published in Circular 94-22 of 7 October 1994, the method of calculating the lease rates for SES vehicles changed from a percentage basis (then 13%) to a monthly lease rate under the new operating lease arrangement with Macquarie Bank Limited. It was indicated in the circular that the rates would be reviewed annually.

State Fleet Services (StateFleet) have now advised that commencing in 1995/96 the lease rates are to be reviewed each six months, on 1 June and 1 December. Any such review could result in an increase (or decrease) in lease rates.

It is therefore important for Agencies to realise that if an SES officer is acquiring a vehicle at a time approaching a review date and wishes to have the then current lease rate applied to the new vehicle, the invoice issued by the Motor Dealer must be submitted to StateFleet prior to the revision date. This may necessitate having the Motor Dealer fax the invoice to StateFleet. In all cases, the lease rate for a vehicle will be determined by StateFleet on the basis of the rates which apply on the day the invoice is received.

It would be appreciated if you would bring this information to the attention of all appropriate officers within your administration.


Issued: Management Improvement
Contact Officer: Darrel Cummings
Telephone: (02) 228 5520
Date: 13 November 1995



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Nov 13, 1995
Review Date
Sep 30, 2000
Replaced By


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Department of Premier and Cabinet
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Department of Premier and Cabinet