Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

P1996-12 Developmental Opportunities - Secondments to Public Employment Office


The Public Employment Office invites Chief Executive Officers to nominate members of their staff for a developmental opportunity through a short term secondment to the PEO. The purpose of this program is to provide on-the job experiences by which staff of public sector agencies can increase their people management skills, broaden their work experience, and improve their qualifications. Additionally, benefits will accrue to organisations by a thorough understanding of my administration.

Detailed Outline

The Public Employment Office invites Chief Executive Officers to nominate members of their staff for a developmental opportunity through a short term secondment to the PEO. The purpose of this program is to provide on-the job experiences by which staff of public sector agencies can increase their people management skills, broaden their work experience, and improve their qualifications. Additionally, benefits will accrue to organisations by a thorough understanding of my administration.

A principal function of the PEO is to foster merit, equity and ethics across the public sector. We also seek to engender a culture of excellence and world's best practice in public sector employees.

To this end, I invite you to nominate employees within your organisation who might benefit from an opportunity to work for an agreed, limited period secondment, within one of the Divisions of the PEO as outlined in the organisational chart overleaf. Prior to any such secondment, agreement will be reached between our agencies on the duration of the secondment, the type of work that will be involved, and a report back
mechanism involving performance assessments by both the PEO and the employee.

Agencies will need to cover the salary and on-costs of any personnel for the period of the secondment. It is anticipated that staff participating in this program would not be taking recreation leave or other planned absences during the period of the secondment.

Enquires by agencies interested in taking advantage of this opportunity should be directed to Brad Fitzmaurice who can be contacted on (02) 9228-4512.




Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jan 1, 1996
Review Date
Sep 29, 2001
Replaced By


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02 9228 5555
Publishing Entity
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Issuing Entity
Department of Premier and Cabinet