Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

P1996-48 Official Overseas Travel - Reporting Requirements


Circular 1996-32 of 10 May 1996 advised inter alia that Ministers could once again approve overseas travel considered essential for officers within their own administrations. The Circular also indicated that the PEO would be providing advice on reporting requirements for such travel.

Detailed Outline

Circular 1996-32 of 10 May 1996 advised inter alia that Ministers could once again approve overseas travel considered essential for officers within their own administrations. The Circular also indicated that the PEO would be providing advice on reporting requirements for such travel.

Ministers, in accordance with section 7-4 (paragraph 10) of the Ministerial Handbook are currently required to furnish the Premier with quarterly returns of all official overseas travel undertaken by officers of all agencies within their portfolio/s.

It is considered appropriate that Ministers now submit their returns on a six monthly basis (December and June) in lieu of quarterly as was previously the case. The first return is due for the six months ended 31 December 1996 and returns are required to reach this office no later than 14 days after the due date. The Ministerial Handbook will be amended to reflect these changes.

Returns are required to contain details of each occasion of official overseas travel including the name of the officer, date of travel and duration, countries visited,, purpose and costs. In addition Ministers will need to advise the amount of private leave granted to be: taken during the official overseas visit.

The requirement for disclosure of overseas travel in the Annual Reports of agencies will continue.

All other provisions relating to overseas travel, outlined in Circular 1996-9 and 1996-32 continue to apply.

Any enquiries concerning this matter should be directed to Emanuel Sklavounos on telephone




Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Jun 30, 1996
Review Date
Sep 29, 2001
Replaced By


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