Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

P1996-50 Report on Framework Documents


This Circular advises Chief Executives on progress under the Framework to the Crown Employees (Public Sector Salaries August 1995) Award.

Detailed Outline

This Circular advises Chief Executives on progress under the Framework to the Crown Employees (Public Sector Salaries August 1995) Award.

You may be aware that consultation and participation is taking place through focus groups and other forums on all aspects of the Framework Documents.

Enterprise Bargaining at the Organisation Level

The focus of enterprise bargaining is on local conditions and arrangements.

Most organisations have identified at least two areas to progress through enterprise bargaining with the Public Service Association/Professional Officers Association. The major areas identified are:

  • Hours of Duty;
  • Workplace Reform;
  • Reorganisation;
  • Training and Staff Development; and
  • Performance Acknowledgment.

Where outcomes have been achieved they have been implemented by administrative action and, where necessary, reflected in new industrial instruments. For instance:

  • an Enterprise Agreement for Salaried Staff, Department of Public Works and Services;
  • a consent Award, Department of Urban Affairs and Planning; and
  • a collateral agreement to the Flexible Working Hours Agreement, Home Purchase Assistance Authority.

Classification and Grading

Pay Equity

Competency Based Training

The parties are undertaking joint projects on these matters.

The negotiation parameters for the classification and grading project are briefly summarised as follows:

  • a single classification for NSW public service salaried officers;
  • that this classification consist of between 5 and 8 levels;
  • the corresponding pay line consist of between 30 and 40 pay points;
  • progression within levels be based on assessed performance and competency acquisition;
  • associated transition costs be included in the negotiations; and
  • current policies concerning restructuring of remuneration are retained e.g. job analysis, evaluation and competitive merit selection.

The classification and grading project is seen to be closely linked with the issue of pay equity. Guidelines on pay equity are being prepared for organisations on this important issue. A number of case studies on the value of. single classification structures and measures to address occupational inequities are underway.

Conditions of Employment

Extended Hours of Service

Trade Union Activities and Employee Consultation

Flexible Work Arrangements

Customer and Client Service

The parties have advised the NSW Industrial Relations Commission of their intention to make a Crown Employees Conditions of Employment Award.

As a first step, Draft Award modules are being prepared on hours of duty, trade union activities, leave, allowances, overtime and shiftwork. The modules are being developed to provide a consolidated and up to date system of Award coverage on conditions of employment which provide for flexibility of implementation at the organisation level.

The module on trade union activities reflects the Government's position on Paid Trade Union Leave as announced by the Acting Minister for Industrial Relations on 14 July 1995 (see PEO Circular No. 95-16). Guidelines to strengthen consultative arrangements at the organisation level are currently being prepared.

The Flexible Work Practices Policy and Guidelines was issued in October 1995. A significant number of organisations have identified the potential for achieving business outcomes through greater flexibility in working arrangements. Implementation action is underway.

Performance Management

Performance & Conduct

A draft policy and guidelines has been prepared on the Management of Unsatisfactory Performance. The ain't is to achieve a performance culture in the NSW public service which is supported by the early identification of barriers to individual performance and the development of agreed courses of action to resolve the difficulties.

Assistance to Displaced Employees

A new policy on Managing Displaced Employees was developed by the parties and issued in February 1996. It embodies the Government's emphasis on redeployment of employees affected by restructures and other administrative priorities. Voluntary redundancy is available in those circumstances where redeployment in a reasonable period of time is not considered to be practicable.

Any enquiries may be directed to Ian Peters on (02) 9228 3530 or Wendy Barrett on (02) 9228 3568.

C Gellatly
Director General



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Sep 30, 1996
Review Date
Sep 29, 2006
Replaced By


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Department of Premier and Cabinet