Premier & Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular

P1996-52 Briefing on Progress Under the Framework to the Crown Employees (Public Sector Salaries 1995) Award


In August 1995 you will be aware that the Public Employment Office, the Public Service Association and the Professional Officers' Association entered into a consent award.

Detailed Outline

In August 1995 you will be aware that the Public Employment Office, the Public Service Association and the Professional Officers' Association entered into a consent award.

This award is supported by a Framework based on the Government's Reform Agenda for Reviving and Improving Public Administration in NSW. The Framework requires the parties to work together at both the sector wide level and the organisation level to achieve productive outcomes.

Over the past 16 months there has been significant progress across the sector in enterprise bargaining, improving quality customer service, implementing flexible working practices and discussions are continuing to occur at the sector wide level in regard to reforming classifications, addressing pay equity outcomes and developing a common conditions of employment award. -

The Royal Institute of Public Administration Australia (RIPAA) in conjunction with the Premier's Department (Public Sector Management Office) will be conducting briefing sessions on the progress under the Framework. Given your organisation's role in implementing items under the Framework I highly recommend the briefing sessions to your employee relations, human resources, corporate services and equal employment opportunity staff. The briefing program is attached. Your staff have a choice of either attending a session on Friday 22 November 1996 or Thursday 28 November 1996, from 9.00 am to 12.40 pm at Level 41, Governor Macquarie Tower, Sydney or a session in Newcastle on Tuesday 26 November 1996 from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm at Newcastle Town Hall.

Nominations to attend the Sydney sessions should be recorded on the attached form and faxed to RIPAA on (02) 9241 1920. The cost is $40 per nominee.

Nominations to attend the Newcastle session should be recorded on the other attached form and faxed to the Newcastle Regional Office, Workforce Management Centre on (02) 4925 8766. The cost to attend this session is $10 per nominee.

Your organisation's nominees are sought by 19 November 1996.

Any enquiries about the Sydney sessions should be directed to Elizabeth Ivory (RIPAA) on telephone number (02) 9228 5225 or in regard to the Newcastle session contact Gina Bollinger on telephone number (02) 4925 8731.

C Gellatly
Director General



Progress under the 3% + 3% Framework REGISTRATION FORM

Name Title ....................................
Organisation .........................................................................................................................
Position . ......................................................................
Postal Address .....................................................................................................................
Telephone No Fax No ......................................................

Please register me for. The Framework Briefing Session
22 November or [ ]
28 November [ ]

Paying by [ ] cheque accompanying this registration form
[ ] cheque following
[ ] invoice (RIPAA to send)

[ ] electronic funds transfer

(if arrangements are already in place with RIPAA)

[ ] credit card (please complete details below)


Please charge my [ ] Bankcard [ ] Visa [ ] Mastercard [ ] Diners [ ] AMEX

Amount authorised $ ..................

Cardholder name ....................................................................................

Card Number [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Expiry date Signature ................................................................................



Progress under the 3% + 3% Framework


Name Title .....................
Organisation ......................................................................................................

Position .............................................................................................................


Address .............................................................................................................

No FaxNo ......................................................



Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
Nov 19, 1996
Review Date
Sep 29, 2001
Replaced By


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Department of Premier and Cabinet
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Department of Premier and Cabinet