NSW Procurement Board Direction

PBD-2016-04-Accessing information about non-government organisations delivering human services


Agencies are required to use the ‘NGO Registration Scheme – human services’ as a first step to sourcing information from non-government organisations (NGOs) which are seeking to, or are contracted to, deliver human services on behalf of NSW government.

Detailed Outline

From 1 August 2016 the Procurement Board requires agencies to use the ‘NGO Registration Scheme
– human services’ to source information about NGOs registered on the Scheme for procurement,
funding or contract management processes.

The Scheme is an information repository for standard organisational information (eg ABN, registered
address, responsible persons and insurance certificates). It captures information that is publicly
available or commonly collected by NSW government agencies.

The Scheme is designed to remove the administrative burden placed on NGOs to provide the same
information to multiple agencies. It is not a prequalification Scheme and should not be used to
shortlist applicants for procurement activities.

The Scheme is open to all NGOs which are delivering, or are seeking to deliver, human services on
behalf of the NSW government.

The Scheme will be hosted on the eTendering website. Limited NGO information will be shown
through the public website. It is recommended that each agency review its eTendering authorisation
levels to ensure the relevant employees have access.

Human services are defined as ‘the programs, facilities or services provided to meet the health,
welfare and social needs of individuals, families and communities. This may include, for example,
health, education and community services provided across NSW’ (defined by the Human Services
Data Hub Taxonomy).

This Direction was approved by the NSW Procurement Board on 6 July 2016 and takes effect from 1
August 2016. The Direction is to be reviewed after three years of operation.


Part 11, Public Works and Procurement Act 1912


Who needs to know and/or comply with this?

Executive agencies related to Departments
Advisory Entities (including Boards and Committees)
Separate agencies
Statutory Authorities/Bodies



AR Details

Date Issued
Jul 6, 2016
Review Date
Jul 5, 2019
Replaced By


Publishing Entity
Office of Finance and Services
Issuing Entity
New South Wales Procurement Board (DFSI)