Public Service Commission

Public Service Commissioner Circular
PSCC 2024-02

PSCC 2024-02 Code of Ethics and Conduct for NSW Government Sector Employees


The Public Service Commissioner has adopted a new Code of Ethics and Conduct for NSW government sector employees (the new Code). The new Code will come into effect on and from 1 November 2024.

All government sector employees as defined in s.8A(4) of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 (GSE Act) must comply with the new Code.

Government sector departments and agencies may supplement the new Code – but not alter or subtract from it – with requirements specific to their organisation’s operating environment and business risks.

Prior to the new Code coming into effect, all government sector departments and agencies must take steps to:

  • align their existing codes of conduct and ethics and supporting materials to the Code

  • ensure employees are provided sufficient notice of, and training in, the Code.

The Public Service Commission is available to help with this transition.

Detailed Outline

Pursuant to s.8A(1) of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 (the GSE Act), the Public Service Commissioner, by order published in the NSW Government Gazette on Friday 10 May 2024:

  1. adopted a new code of ethics and conduct for NSW government sector employees; and

  2. revoked and replaced the current code taken by clause 21 of Part 5, Schedule 1 to the GSE Act to have been adopted by the Commissioner for the purposes of section 8A on 1 July 2023 with effect from 1 November 2024.

The new Code identifies mandatory requirements for all government sector employees that are consistent with Part 2 of the GSE Act (the Ethical Framework for the government sector).

Until 1 November 2024, the code set out in section 2.2 of the document entitled Behaving Ethically: A Guide for NSW government sector employees as published on the Public Service Commission’s website on 26 August 2022 remains in effect.

From 1 November 2024, the code set out in section 2.2 of the document entitled Behaving Ethically: A Guide for NSW government sector employees will continue to apply to any conduct that occurs between 1 July 2023 and 1 November 2024 as if it had not been revoked and replaced.

Key changes from current Code of Ethics and Conduct for NSW government sector employees

The Public Service Commissioner has undertaken extensive consultation under the GSE Act to develop the new Code which:

  • is clear and easy to understand

  • provides guidance on a broader range of foundational topics that are essential to understand and comply with when working in the government sector

  • reflects changes introduced by the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022.

Prior to the new Code coming into effect, all government sector departments and agencies must take steps to:

  • align their existing codes of conduct and ethics and supporting materials to the new Code (noting that departments and agencies may supplement the Code with requirements specific to their organisation’s operating environment and business risks, but not alter or subtract from it)

  • ensure employees are provided sufficient notice of, and training in, the new Code.

The Public Service Commission is available to help with this transition. Agencies may contact the Integrity and Governance team with any questions by emailing [email protected].

Employees should contact their department or agency’s HR contacts in the first instance for further information about compliance with the Code.

Additional information

This Circular applies to NSW Government sector agencies and their government sector employees.

Note: Government sector agency for the purposes of section 8A of the GSE Act means a Public Service agency (Department, Executive Agency related to Department, Separate Public Service Agency), the Teaching Service, NSW Police Force, NSW Health Service, Transport Service of New South Wales, any other service of the Crown (including the service of any NSW government agency), and the service of any other person or body constituted by or under an Act or exercising public functions being a person or body that is prescribed by the regulations.

NSW Government entities, persons or bodies which are not government sector agencies for the purposes of section 8A of the GSE Act (for example, State owned corporations and their subsidiaries) are not required to, but may choose to adopt, the Code.

Further information is available from the Public Service Commission’s website

Kathrina Lo
Public Service Commissioner


Government Sector Employment Act 2013


Who needs to know and/or comply with this?

Executive agencies related to Departments
Separate agencies
Statutory Authorities/Bodies


Not Mandatory

AR Details

Date Issued
May 13, 2024
Review Date
May 7, 2027
Replaced By


[email protected]
(02) 9272 6000
Publishing Entity
Office of the Public Service Commissioner
Issuing Entity
Public Service Commissioner