Premier & Cabinet

Premier's Memorandum

M2015-05-Publication of Ministerial Diaries and Release of Overseas Travel Information


This Memorandum sets out the requirements for Ministers to publish details of scheduled meetings and release overseas travel information. These requirements have been updated to implement the  recommendations of the twelve (12) month review conducted by the Department of Premier and Cabinet. The Department's review report is available at  

Ministers must publish summaries of scheduled meetings in the attached form (Attachment A), one month after the end of each quarter. Meeting summaries will be made available on the Department of Premier and Cabinet's website.

Ministers must publish information concerning overseas travel undertaken by them or their staff in the attached form (Attachment B), within 28 days of returning. Travel summaries will be made available on an appropriate agency website.

Detailed Outline

Publication of Ministerial Diaries

This Memorandum sets out the requirement, which took effect on and from 1 July 2014, for all Ministers to regularly publish extracts from their diaries detailing scheduled meetings held with stakeholders, external organisations, third-party lobbyists and individuals. Scheduled meetings include meetings scheduled to take place in person or by videoconference, teleconference or telephone call.

Ministers must publish summaries in the attached form one month after the end of each quarter (Attachment A). The summary should disclose the organisation with whom the meeting occurred (or, if an individual is attending in a personal capacity, the name of the individual) and the purpose of the meeting. 

If a third-party lobbyist attends the meeting, the summary should disclose that third-party lobbyist, as well as the names of all individuals engaged by the third-party lobbyist to undertake the lobbying who are attending the meeting, and the name of their client.

The published diaries should include details of all scheduled meetings of a Minister involving the discussion of a matter that may be considered by the Minister, whether formally or informally, in his or her role as portfolio Minister or as a member of Cabinet, but it is not necessary to disclose information about:

  • meetings involving Ministers, ministerial staff, Parliamentarians or government officials (whether from NSW or other jurisdictions);
  • meetings that are strictly personal, electorate or party political;
  • social or public functions or events;
  • meetings held overseas (which must be disclosed in accordance with clause 5(1)(b) of the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2009  and Attachment B to this Memorandum); and
  • matters for which there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.

While the requirement to provide meeting summaries does not apply to social or public functions or events, if a non-public substantive discussion of issues occurs with the Minister at such a function or event that concerns a matter that may be considered by the Minister, whether formally or informally, in his or her role as portfolio Minister or as a member of Cabinet, then the meeting should be disclosed.

Meeting summaries will be published on the DPC website. The Department of Premier and Cabinet will assist Ministers with uploading the summaries to the DPC website.

Ministerial staff should obtain the consent of meeting attendees to disclose summary information about the meeting being attended.

A suggested template meeting request form will be made available to Ministers’ Offices separately by the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

Release of Overseas Travel Information

Overseas travel is undertaken by Ministers to attract investment, trade and business opportunities to the State, to learn from the policies and processes of other Governments, and to forge relationships with export markets.

Full disclosure of the costs, purpose and benefits of overseas trips helps to dispel any public perception that overseas travel is undertaken for the private benefit of Ministers and their attendants at taxpayers' expense. This information is routinely sought, and released, under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

Ministers are therefore required to publish on an appropriate agency website, within 28 days of returning from an overseas trip, information concerning the travel undertaken by them or their staff, including the following information:

  • The portfolios to which the trip relates;
  • A detailed description of the purpose and benefits of the travel to the State if New South Wales;
  • A list of scheduled meetings attended by the Minister while overseas;
  • The destinations visited;
  • The date of travel;
  • The number of persons who accompanied the Minister, including Ministerial advisors, agency staff and, in accordance with relevant guidelines, family members;
  • The total cost of air fares;
  • The total cost of accommodation; and
  • The total cost of other expenses (including travel allowances).

Ministers should ensure that they comply with these requirements immediately. Templates for disclosure of meeting summaries (Attachment A) and travel summaries (Attachment B) are attached.


Who needs to know and/or comply with this?

Executive agencies related to Departments



AR Details

Date Issued
Sep 30, 2015
Review Date
Jul 30, 2025
Replaced By


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Department of Premier and Cabinet
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